Tsuna - is - Rikuo

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A long time ago, people feared demons. However, there was a man who lead the tumultuous horde of demon warriors-- and many people called him the supreme commander of all demons.

In other words, he was known as the Lord of all monsters, goblins and ghost: The Lord of Pandemonium, Nurarihyon.


Tsuna first knew himself as Sawada Tsunayoshi.

He was born on the year 1991, on October 14th. He was the child of Sawada Nana and Sawada Iemitsu, and he lives in the peaceful town of Namimori, Japan.

Although he rarely sees a Father around, he knows that Mama loves him very much-- and thus he was always happy to hear about Father.

Five years old now, in the year 1996, Tsuna has come to realize that Mama was a strange person. Sometimes, she would say Papa was blond; and other times she would fawn and reminisce about the long, black hair that Dad had.

Sometimes, she would say that Papa was working in construction, in a distant, distant part of the world; and other times she would tell him that Dad was one of the super cool demons of the underworld, and how he was the gallant Leader of them all.

Five years old as Tsuna was, he didn't think much of it.

He forgot about half of it soon enough, anyway.


Tsuna was always smaller than everyone. 1996. At the age of five, he could pass for much younger and was very often thought to be just a toddler.

But Nana was never worried for his health. She told him it was how Tsuna was, and that she loved him just like this. That he was fine and perfectly healthy like this.

Other adults didn't seem to agree. They all thought Tsuna was terribly malnourished, terribly small in stature and some even claimed he looked sickly.

Tsuna just ducked behind Mama, fearing those judgemental eyes that glanced towards him.


That year,  Papa came home. Papa came home with Grandpa, and Tsuna found himself liking him a lot-- and loving Grandpa even more. It was the first time he's felt Fatherly love, and as a child nothing was more enjoyable than having parental love.

But when he met his mortal enemy-- Tama the Chihuahua-- Let's just say he made a scene by crying and bawling his eyes out.

He doesn't know what happened after that, but when he woke up, Papa and Grandpa had already left.


1997, where Tsuna was six, they moved away.

At this point, Tsuna was still tiny. So, so small, he could at most pass for a three-year-old. The rumours were getting bad now, with people chattering about child abuse and neglect--

After talking it out with Dad, Nana decided that they would move away.

Tsuna found himself in a place Mama called 'Ukiyoe Town', a town a little dimmer and calmer than Namimori; but like Namimori, it was calming, peaceful, and away from the town.

"Tsu-kun," Nana spoke to him gently, her hands grasping at her son's gently as they walked on towards their destination.

"Hm?" Tsuna turned to his Mama curiously.

"Hey, Tsu-kun, do you believe in demons?"

Tsuna nodded excitedly. "Uhn!" he replied, "Papa's the Supreme Commander of all the Demons, right?"

Tsuna, Lord of Pandemonium (KHR / NnM)Where stories live. Discover now