Keep It on The Down Low- Chapter 1

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My best friend, Mira yelled at me from across the hall. All of the students turned to either her or me. I set ablaze from the attention, seeing as today was not my day. I ran out of product to tame my large mane of hair, making me have a wild, stuck out afrothingy. I had also forgotten my coat so I was half frozen to death by the harsh winter breeze. To top it off, I had misplaced my vaseline, so my lips were in need of some serious therapy.

Mira leapt towards me, a cheesy grin plastered on her face. I still didn't smile. I hate it when days went bad like this, and my mood had turned sour like off-milk. 

"Guess what!" She asked, ever so excited. She probably wanted to tell me about her date with Sam, the boy who is an utmost player, and will screw anybody over without even caring one bit. I had warned her infinity times, but God knows she just wouldn't listen.

"What." I didn't even ask in a questioning tone- I was certainly not in the mood.

"What." She echoed, mimicking my British accent. I was the only british person in an all American high school, and my accent was quite posh. Everybody mimicked it, whenever they had the chance.

"Well... Guess who our new teacher is for Biology?" To be honest, I couldn't even care less. This better be good, because I needed to continue my heist for my vaseline.

"Mira, who is it? I can't play any guessing games!"

"Well... since you're not up to it, looks like you're just going to have to wait and see for yourself!" pfft, like I could care less, I thought to myself bitterly.

"I'm shedding a million tears on the inside." I retorted sarcastically, with a neutral face.

"Whatever grumpykins, see you later, I've got homeroom!" I gave her a weak smile and she bounced off happily.

I did one last check for my vaseline in my locker, before the bell rang and I huffed and puffed. Math was all the way in the other building, I won't even be able to get there without being 10 minutes late.


15 minutes later

I managed to get to class 15 minutes late and I'd be slaughtered if I got caught. Mr Hopkins, my teacher had his back faced to the board. Maybe... just maybe I'd be able to creep past and slip into my seat without him noticing. I started creeping slowly and quietly, until Mega-Bitch Mia decided to scoot her chair backwards and make me collide into it. I was sent flying to the ground, making so much noise as I did so. Thank God I had fast reflexes and I put my hands out in front of be before plummeting. The whole class erupted in laughter as blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Miss Gilbert, what on Earth do you think your doing, waltzing into my class 15 minutes late and then disturbing my lessson by causing a scene?" He yelled, as if everything that had happened was my fault.

"Sorry sir," I started, glaring at students who were still failing at muffling their laughter. What would my excuse be? Oh gosh, do I say its because I lost my vaseline? That's so stupid. What?! THINK FAST LIZ, he's raising his eyebrows! "I uh, I'm on my period."


Nope, I couldn't have.

Yes I did.

The class erupted in a new batch of laughter and Mr Hopkins face turned red, the colour of my shirt. I hurried to my seat, next to Ryan, before he could throw his board rubber at my face.

"Well done, Britain, you've outdone yourself." Ryan smirked beside me. I was not in the mood for jokes, so I silenced him with a death glare. He raised his hands up in surrender and turned to face the teacher, who went back to teaching with his hands clenched.

I was swept into a daydream, thinking of the one celebrity I always thought about whenever I had the time. Chris Evans. There was something about him, something I couldn't quite put my finger on, that just made me happy whenever I thought about him. His hotness was subtle, and his smile was electrifying. Oh, what I'd give to meet him...

"Miss GILBERT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY?!" Mr Hopkins screeched, destroying my perfect daydream. "Answer the question!"

I stared at the whiteboard, that had random letters and numbers sprawled across it. I had no idea what we were even studying, but I knew the answer to the question anyway. Mr Hopkins always thought he could catch me off guard, to prove that I was a failing student, but it was quite impossible, with my straight A's.

"235." I answered simply, causing him to be stunned silent. I really think he believes I slept around with teachers for my high grades. Stupid grumpy man.

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