Missing Part 2.

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I've been in L.A for a week now and all I did was stay at Hailey's place and be depressed. After what Abel told me I lost my shit, I flipped the coffee table and almost punched the wall....almost. My heart was shattered and it still is. I still can't believe that she let him move in with her in our house.

The guys could tell I was broken and the girls...they were extremely worried. The guys knew to give me my space and let me talk when I wanted to and the same goes for the girls but they didn't like seeing me like this and I knew it but I honestly can't do anything about it. I feel like three years of my life went down the drain...I feel like those three years isn't worth all of this.

Is it? Is having your heart sting every time you hear her name worth it? Is having your heart break at the picture of her in his arms worth it? Is having your heart hurt when you think of her worth it? Was she worth it? That's the question that's been in my head for the last week....Is Kendall Nicole Jenner worth all my heartache?

To this day I still haven't found my answer and Its slowly been killing me since I can't find it or maybe I just don't want to. She's my first love, my first everything and I'm sure that you can't just throw it away but I wish I could. I sat outside and looked at the view of the city from Hailey's balcony and letting my mind ease a little. You need a distraction Y/n....

I was interrupted from my thoughts by someone sitting on my lap making me look up and see Bella with a frown on her face making me sit up a little and move my legs so I could hold her properly since the last thing I needed was her falling and Abel probably murdering me for dropping his girlfriend. 

Bella:"You've got your thinking face on"She said making me look at her and chuckle a little.

Y/n:"I have a thinking face?"I asked making her nod and adjust herself a little so she was sitting on my lap properly.

Bella:"Yes you do and don't act like you're okay....I know you"She said making me smile fall immediately. I sighed and looked at her.

Y/n:"What do you want me to do Bells? I can't stop thinking about her and even when I try there she is...in my head fucking around with my emotions!"I said frustrated making her look at me and go quite.

Bella:"Y/n I know this is hard but-"

Y/n:"But it'll be okay. You're gonna get through this...."I said quoting them"Bella I-I can't! I'm not okay and you all know it. You are just afraid to say anything cause you're afraid I'll snap"I said lowing my voice a little since I didn't wanna scare her or upset her.


Y/n:"Bella. Don't say you're not cause you are...all of you are. I know you all wanna be there for me and trust me when I say that I appreciate it because I really need people who are there for me but-but I miss her...."I said in a defeated tone. This is probably this first time I've actually had a conversation since the news Abel gave me.

Bella:"I know...."She said pulling me into a hug. I put my face in her neck and hugged her letting a few tears slip out. Soon I felt more hands wrap around me making me pull away and see the guys and girls hugging me making me pull away and wipe my tears.

Y/n:"Thanks..."I said sniffing a little making them send me a warm smile.

Kylie:"Let's go inside...its a little chilly out here"She said making us all nod and walk inside. I took a seat on the couch making them all sit down and look at me.

Y/n:"Sorry for breaking your coffee table...."I said looking at Hailey making her laugh a little and shrug.

Hailey:"I didn't like it anyways....but you're helping me look for another one"She said making me nod and give her a small smile. She sighed and looked at me"Y/n I know you're hurt but you can't sit in my room the whole day and do nothing"She said looking at me making me look down.

Our Future {Sequel To Unexpected Love} - Completed  ✔Where stories live. Discover now