The Ghost With One Black Eye.

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There was once a brother and sister called, Callum and Gweneth. Both of them were 12. On Halloween they both went out trick or treating, and when they came back they emptied it all out and shared it and began to binge on chocolate and sweets. When they're  2 year old little sister Abby, began to cry.

"I'm thirsty! I want apple juice NOW!" she yelled at her siblings.

"Oh Abby," Gwen said, "I'll get you some apple juice don't worry." She gently strolled into the kitchen where her mother stood. "Mom do we have any apple juice?" she asked her mother in her highly pitched voice.

"Not in the fridge no, but there is some in the basement." She told her.

"Right then." Gwen replied with a smile. She began to head towards the door that led to the basement. She gentley opened the door and began down the stairs. She thought about halfway down she saw something, but thought nothing of it. But when she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard a shrill, blood curdling voice gently echo through the basement, and it said. 

"I. Am. The ghost. With the one. Black. Eye." Gwen shreiked and sprinted back up the stairs, terrified. Callum came throught to see what all the fuss was about.

"Oh Abby sweety pie, surely you dont want apple juice today? You see, theres a ghost in the basement." Gwen said to her younger sister, her voice still panicky.

"Oh you fool Gwen!! If you're going to make up stories about ghosts here and there I'll keep Abby happy then!" said Callum.

"Fine if you dont believe me then go down there, then we'll see who's the fool, eh?" Gwen replied. Callum started down the stairs, and just like with Gwen, when he reached the bottom of the stairs, the voice, once again, echoed through the room.

"I. Am The ghost. With the one. Black. Eye." Callum was off up the stairs like he had a rocket behind him. He didn't stop to see his sisters and instead kept running until he reached his room, where he locked himself in there. The mother came over to see what was going on. After Gwen had told her about the ghost, she too said that Gwen was being silly and went down the stairs to the basement. The voice came again.

"I. Am The ghost. With the one. Black. Eye." The mother came back up the stairs aswell. Abby began to cry again. 

"If no one else will get me apple huice then Ill get it myself!" she screamed at her mother and sister. She crawled throught the open door and slid down the stairs on her stomach. Again when she reached the bottom of the stairs the voice echoed

"I. Am The ghost. With the one. Black. Eye." Abby stood up on her little feet and yelled into the darkness.

"If you don't get out of our house and leave us alone you'll be the ghost with two black eyes!" And with that, the ghost took off and was never seen again, he still flies around today trying to find a basement, hey uh while youre there, do you mind getting some apple juice for me, although there is none in the fridge ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2012 ⏰

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