AKL Part 31

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Part 31:

"Khushi... if you depend on us like this, then, what will you do in next coming years? Your Bhai will be here few months. And I will be here only one year... but you will be here for more 5 years. Then who will take care of you? You have to learn to stand for yourself. We can't be with you all the time, right?"

She cannot take these words. She is really feeling bad. She never thought, Arnav will feel like this. 'Is he getting irritated about me? Am I asking more from him?' she thought. She felt bad when he said - 'We can't be with you all the time.' She doesn't want to think about his words. But she felt it difficult to stop thinking. She never thought about her future without him. It is not that she thought about her feature with him. But she couldn't take that; he might not be in her life for long. Yes, she wants to depend on him. She wants to be with him forever. But after hearing his words, she is having doubts that he might not be hers. This thought itself killing her mind. Her eyes welled up with this mere thought.

'No I can't be sad. I can't be weak... If I remain like this Arnav Ji might not like me. I can't take Arnav Ji's hatred. I will try to be strong. Any way Bhai said Akash Ji and NK Ji is coming today. Then no need to worry about that Rahul... I will be strong' thought Khushi. But her strong will stayed only few seconds. Before she completes her thinking about staying strong, she saw Rahul and his friends coming towards her. She felt sudden fear ran in her body. She kept mumbling 'be strong, be strong' while pressing Payal's hand.

"Hello Khushi... what are doing here" asked Rahul

"Can't you see the tea cup in my hand?" said Khushi, not giving any chance to Payal to answer.

"What?" Rahul couldn't take Khushi is fearless answer. He never understands her fear in her eyes. 'Because he is not either Arnav Ji or Aman Bhai' thought Khushi.

"What anybody will do in canteen Rahul? Its evening, so we came here for tea" Khushi gave her answer with irritating look.

"Khushi, I think in these few months, you changed a lot... I never expected this change from you"

"Who told you to expect something from me? Never do that... and it is my life. I will live as per my wishes. Please don't interfere. I need to go... bye. Come Payal" saying this she dragged Payal, who is watching Khushi in astonishment, leaving shocked and fuming Rahul and his friends.

"Khushi... what was that?"

"Payal please don't talk anything now... first we have to leave from here"


"Please not now... umm... Payal... can I come to your house today? I mean, can I stay this night at your home? Will your parents feel bad?"

Payal understand what Khushi need – a safe roof. She smiled and held Khushi hand and dragged her towards her car.

"Of course you crazy girl... no one will feel bad and you can come there at any time"

Khushi sighed deeply and went to the parking lot with Payal. After seeing them, the driver opened the door and drove the car to Payal's home.


"Make yourself comfortable betiya... think as you are at your home only... Payal... take her to your home. Give her your dress. Both of you freshen up and come for dinner," said Payal's mother.

"Dear... what's your name anyway?" Payal's father.

"Khushi" Payal's father nodded his head and gestured Payal to carry on...

Khushi instantly liked Payal's house and her parents. Payal gave Khushi one of her dress. It took some time for her to select the dress. As Khushi is taller than her, she gave her one of her long night suit. Both made themselves fresh and went to dining hall to have their dinner.

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