Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

"I never wanted anyone like this. I'm crazy for you"

Austin's POV:

"Did you finish all your homework, Austin?" My mother asked as she came into my room. I was playing video games. After yesterday's events, I needed something else to focus on.

I nodded my head, still concentrating on the screen.

"Are you feeling okay?" She walked closer to me. "You're very distracted today."

I paused the game and turned toward her. Many people told me I looked like my mom. Our facial structure were shaped similarly. Some also told me that I looked like my dad. We looked so much alike when I looked at my baby pictures and his. I also have his hazel eyes. My mom and I don't really talk about my dad much. I know how sad my mom gets when we talk about him so I try not to. I'll always remember him though. Mom told me that he loved me so much. I think about him everyday and wish he was here to watch me live my dream but I know he's watching in heaven. I hope I'm making him proud.

"Yeah, I'm fine I promise. Just a lot went on yesterday."

She bit her lip and looked at me with concern. "Alright, if you need anything I'll be downstairs cleaning." She patted the top of my head then walked out the door.

I shut off my video game then got out my guitar. I sat on the edge of my chair that was in the corner and began strumming the strings. I was working on a new song so when I go back to Miami (which would only be a week, I promise) I could show the label.

As I strummed, I tried to make the words,

"Well, let's go back to the day.

When I saw your face

For the very first time."

I paused after every line and wrote it down on a piece of notebook paper.

I kept strumming and writing until the door bell rang and broke my concentration. It was probably one of those people trying to sell us magazines or something. I continued on with the song.

"Austin!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I put the guitar down and stood up. "What?!" I hollered back.

"Come down here, someone's here to see you!"

Who would come to see me? None of my fans know my address so it couldn't be them. I opened my bedroom door and walked down the steps. Right when I got to the end I paused.

"Hey," Bella said softly as she stood in front of the door.

"Oh hey. Um, we could talk upstairs in my room if you want?" I asked, still standing by the edge of the staircase.

She moved her eyes to my mom. "Go ahead guys!" My mother said with a smile.

Bella grinned at her and followed me up the stairs to my room.

"Don't be shocked when you see my walls," I told her before I opened the door.

She knitted her eyebrows together, "Why would I be shocked?"

I opened the door and walked in. She followed right behind me and her eyes grew wide.

"Woah," she said as she walked around my walls, looking at all the signs and pictures my fans drew me. "You can't even see any part of the white wall."

I smiled, "Yeah, it means a lot when I get these from them. It reassures me that they'll always be here for me."

She continued looking then finally looked at me, "Mike texted me this morning."

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