Don't Bite The Apple

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Taehyung woke up from his sleep as he heard someone knock on his hotel room door. Wondering who is bothering him at this time in the night.

He walked groggily to the door and looked through the peephole, But frowned when he only saw a lean figure leaning on the door but couldn't make out who it was.

"Who is it?" he asked sleepily but grunted when he didn't receive any response.

He opened the door when suddenly someone leaning on the door crashed into him pushing him back a few steps .It was jimin. Taehyung was shocked, he then tried to steady jimin, but jimin could not stand straight for some reason.

He tried to make jimin walk but he wouldn't move. Tae then carried jimin bridal style and put him slowly on the armchair. Taehyung could tell jimin was very drunk.

"jimin, how much did you drink?" he asked in an angry but concerned voice.

"li- little..." jimin said stuttering.

Jimin and jungkook have been fighting alot these days and jimin has practically become addicted to alcohol which always made Taehyung upset. He hated seeing his two best friends who are a couple suffering.

"Fought with kookie again?" he asked concerned.

Jimin sighed and said "He never trusts me, always keeps questioning me about whom im with or where i am. Its really annoying. And If i tell him not to be paranoid he starts yelling at me! God its so frustrating tae! I don't know how long i can go like this. He hasn't even kissed me in like 2 weeks, We have been fighting all the time.". He then started crying.

Tae felt really bad about them fighting like this, but what made him even more upset is seeing jimin cry, His best friend whom he adores very much.

"Aw don't cry jiminie, he is just possessive of you because he loves you that much. You're everything to him. He doesn't wanna lose you"

When he wouldn't stop crying, tae when close to him, kneeled down and hugged him. Jimin hugged him even tighter.

Jimin slowly pulled away from the hug and looked into tae's eyes. The look in his eyes was different, it was filled with lust. Taehyung couldn't help but stare back.

Taehyung's eyes grew wide when he noticed that jimin was looking at his lips.

"jiminie.." tae said as a warning in a deep voice when he noticed jimin inching closer.

"Your always there for me tae, Thank you." jimin closed his eyes and bumped his forehead with tae.

V felt relieved but it was short lived when he felt jimin dangerously close to his lips his eyes still filled with the sinful desire. He tried to move away but his body was not listening to his brain.

"Your so handsome tae. Too good to be true, your eyes, nose, lips, voice.." jimin said seductively as he traced tae's features with his finger. Tae closed his eyes at the sensual touch and licked his lips.

Jimin ran his thumb over tae's lips, which parted little at his touch. Jimin bit his lip making it wet. Something about that drove tae crazy. He couldn't help but admit that he was attracted to jimin and wanted him even though it was not the right thing to do.

Somehow Taehyung always knew that they were both attracted to each other but didn't show it as jimin fell in love with jungkook.

Jimin caught tae's lips without any delay and tae swore he felt fireworks go off. It was so wrong yet it felt so right. Taehyung couldn't resist anymore, he grabbed jimin's face and was practically eating him.

Jimin let out a few moans. Taehyung loved the way jimin smelled and tasted, like chocolate and alcohol with a hint of strawberry.

They moved to the bed somehow and tae started leaving butterfly kisses to jimin's jaw and neck. Tae loved jimin's lip and couldn't get enough of the kiss.

Jimin loved it, he craved for feeling he is experiencing now for so long that he couldn't contain his moans.

"Omg tae, feels so good" jimin said when Taehyung kissed his neck, biting lightly.

They were passionately kissing and undressing each other when a voice came out nowhere which shocked them.

Jungkook was standing a few feet apart from them, looking at them with a look of hurt, betrayal and anger.

"jimin?.." he said in a low deadly voice. Looking at his boyfriend lying under his best friend half undressed amd messy.

They got up from the bed in a blink of an eye and Jimin looked like he had seen death, he was sweating from the nervousness. Tae looked as If all the blood was drained from his body.

"jungkook its not his fault.." jimin said slowly, scared and unsure how jungkook was gonna react.

Jungkook clenched his fists and approached jimin. Jimin moved back a little when tae stepped in between them.

"Move" jk said threateningly.

"kookie please calm -" tae didn't finish as a fist collided with his face knocking his down. Jungkook punched him. Jimin gasped and tried to help tae when jungkook caught his arm.

"i knew it! I knew you were a slut!, why?.... How could you" he said with tears in his eyes while squeezing his harm making jimin scream. Jungkook then pushed jimin down.

"That's it, We're over!" jungkook said and stormed out the room.

Jimin was following him sobbing and pleading him for forgiveness.

"jungkook ah.. Please im soo sorry, please. Please." jimin cried.

"Get off" jungkook said and shut the door leaving jimin knocking and sobbing.

"Please please baby, please im sorry.." he kept saying repeatedly.

"NOOO.." jimin cried banging his hand on the shut door, which somehow represented that the door to jungkook's forgiveness is forever closed.


"jimin.. Jiminie.. Baby wake up!" jimin woke up, eyes wet from crying.

"what's wrong baby" asked jungkook wiping jimin's eyes, He sitting next to jimin on their bed, in their room.

Jimin could not believe this, All this was a Dream..More like a nightmare! But he couldn't be more thankful.

He hugged jungkook tightly.

"Where is tae?" jimin asked impatiently.

"He is in his room sleeping, i guess. It's really late jiminie" jungkook said looking worried.

Jimin sighed a relief.

"nightmare.?" jungkook asked sweetly while rubbing jimin's back.

Jimin nodded, and hugged jungkook.

"Aww don't worry darling, im here" jungkook said reassuringly as they cuddled.

"I love you with all my heart" jimin said hugging jungkook tightly.

"i know baby, now go back to sleep" jungkook said and kissed jimin.

                                     THE END

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