chapter 1

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    Wow, the view here looks very stunning... I was thinking while looking down from the rooftop of my school, it was currently spring my favorite season of the year, the weather is not too cold and not too hot just perfect, the door creaked as I heard footsteps coming closer to me, I didn't need to look back cause I knew that it was my close friend and my only friend mark, "what is my beautiful friend doing here all by herself?" he had a cheeky smile plastered on his face, I was a little quiet so he swung his arm around my shoulder, I took a deep breath " just admiring the view" I smiled.

    "well it is indeed beautiful... but not as beautiful as you" he turned to face me, "what is it exactly that you want?" I crossed my arms together "whaaaat??! Like I can't complement you for no reason?" he gave me an offended look "no, not when you're the mark that I know" I stated "alright you got me there, well I'd like it if you help me baby sit my little brother, I'm not that good with kids" he looked at me with hopeful eyes.

    well this would be the first time I see his baby brother he is a year and six months old, I didn't get to see him so I'm lowkey exited but I like to tease mark, "what makes you think that I'm good with kids?" I raised an eyebrow " well, you're a girl and I guess females are born with this ' I can handle kids' thing, ya know" "alright then" I agreed "thank YOU" he jumped on me and gave me a bone crushing hug"after school alright?" he said as he walked away backwards, I just simply nodded, he hit his back on the wall and scrunched his face in pain, I giggle at his clumsiness, I went back to my thinking what have I done to deserve such a friend? Well better get back to class.

   after the school day ended I met mark at the gates "let's go" he said excitedly we walked to his house quietly which was strange for mark "you okay?" I looked at him concerned"yeah I'm fine, I've been just thinking, my parents said that they're going to travel across the ocean for some business in year and a half, they're leaving for three months and leaving my brother with me and I'm worried about how I'm gonna take care of him" he sighed heavily "aha, well let's think about it together ok? Think of right now don't worry too much about it" I gave him an assuring smile even though I wasn't so sure myself.

    we reached the house and I got more anxious, he slowly grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I looked up to see him looking at me with a smile on his face, "MOM! i'm home, with lizzy"he yelled "oh welcome back, oh hi there liz, how have you been?" she came fromthe kitchen and hugged me tightly "hello mrs. Lee" I hugged back and smiled "oh just call me eomma" she said "ah, I'm more comfortable with mrs.lee, I'm sorry"I felt a little uncomfortable calling random people 'eomma' even though she is marks mother but still, "yo liz come here" mark yelled from the living room goshhe is loud I walked into the living room and saw the little guy playing there with mark , oooohhh goddd he is sooo CUTE I could die ... 

  ... he resembled mark in so many ways especially his eyes "hi there little mark" I sat down next to mark and shook his little hand, mark chuckled at my earlier comment but I didn't pay attention I was too amused by the little guy here staring at the stranger in front of him who is me, then all of a sudden he giggled and held ma finger in his tiny hand, my heart was about to explode from the overdose of cuteness, "his name is max by the way" mark said "oh how cute, he looks so much like you mark" I said still amused by max "well my mother wanted twins when she had me so after she gave birth to max, she said 'here is your twin, a little late though but he looks just like you' and she even said that he weighed the same as me when he was born" he looked at his brother deeply, how nice, I stayed at marks till evening but had to go back to the house, as I lied down in my bed thinking of the day I had a big smile on my face shortly after I drifted off to sleep.

 Hello author-nim here, first chapter is out I'm a little nervous but I hope you like it, please do vote and comment tell me what you think :)

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