chapter 5

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After we ate we went back to the house to finish cleaning. We've been cleaning for two hours now and all of us are laying down on the floor, out of breath and sweaty, I felt disgusting and I wanted to shower but now I'm a little too tired. "I'm going upstairs to wash up real quick, and you go change for max ok?" I told mark and patted his shoulder before getting up and going upstairs. 

   after I freshened up I stood infront of the mirror to brush my hair, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and got lost in my thoughts I'm glad everything is becoming good in my life right. I guess it's turning to the bright side. And mark I- I think I like him I smiled at the thought yeah even when I think of him I smile he is just so... I don't know, I don't know how to describe him but he is special yeah special that's the right word.

. I kept on brushing my hair "what are smiling about?" I jumped a little hearing mark's voice suddenly he had his head poking through the door I didn't even hear him or see him there. "oh its nothing" I shook my head smiling at him I can't tell him, no not now maybe in the future. 

    "max and I finished freshening up and we're waiting for you so we can watch the movie max wanted to watch the other day" he opened the door fully and walked in. he extended his arm out opening his hand for me to hold. I looked up at him slightly blushing but I took it anyway. 

He has a warm large hand compared to mine , his hand is soft too super soft. It felt nice but my heart is beating a little too fast for just a simple soft move.

 Mark's P.O.V:

I walked up to lizzy's room to check on her cause she took quite a bit of time. When I poked my head through her bed room door I saw her smiling at herself in the mirror her smile is soooo pretty "what are smiling about?" I decided to ask her, she jumped a little feeling surprised by my sudden appearance "oh its nothing" she simply answered "max and I finished freshening up and we're waiting for you so we can watch the movie max wanted to watch the other day".

    I decided to make a brave move and I walked into her room and I extended my arm out and opened my hand for her to take. I was a little nervous and hoping that she won't refuse it. She looked up me with her sweet eyes and took my hand. My heart started beating at the speed of light. 

  Her hand is so soft and so small compared to mine , I felt I wanted to protect her with everything I have. I tried to play it cool and pulled her down stairs with me.

Lizzy's P.O.V:

We watched the movie and joked around a lot. It was fun but soon enough we were fast asleep.

    Mark's parents are coming today and I'm feeling exited but nervous at the same time. We waited at home for them to arrive. We sat in the living room chatting the time away then the door opened "kids!! We're home" mark's mom shouted, mark and max jumped and went running to their parents .

  I stood up after them and walked over to them, I waited behind them so they can take their time.I smiled widely at the warm hugs they gave and received max even teared up a bit. Mrs.lee even cried a bit missing her sons. Mr.lee was more formal with his kids.

 . After a while mrs.lee looked at me and smiled widely with teary eyes, she opened her arms wide and I went to her. She hugged me warmly and I hugged her back "welcome back mrs.lee"I said to her softly "oh thank you sweet heart" she said back sniffling then she let go and I greeted mr.lee by shaking his hand "welcome back" I smiled"thank you" he simply nodded. 

    We all sat down in the living room chatting "oh mark btw we came back so we can help you finish packing" mrs.lee stated looking at mark, suddenly his face became pale "uh r-right" he said nervously. 

    I looked at them feeling confused "what do you mean?" I questioned feeling panicked "oh didn't mark tell you?" mrs.lee looked at me "tell me what?" I asked but I was looking at mark , he just avoided my gaze "oh well sweetie we'll be back to Australia next weekend, we just came back to make sure that the boys are ready" she smiled and looked away. I felt pain in my heart and my eyes started tearing up"um e-excuse me if you need anything I'll be upstairs" I stood up and went to my room. 

   I closed the door behind me and sat on the floor and cried. Why ? why mark lee why would you hide this from me?!! I heard a knock on the door but I didn't answer"l-lizzy I uh can I come in ?" I heard mark speak. I still didn't answer "are you alright?" no answer "I'm sorry, please answer me" "can you please leave me alone?" I spoke softly "liz list-" "NO mark, please leave me alone" I cut him off.

    "no please, let me expla-" I opened the door and looked at him in the eye. He was so shocked to see me "i-I'm leaving tomorrow morning, no discussions" I told him coldly "liz don't" he was at a loss for words " tell your mom I'm sleeping" I pushed the door, but his foot stopped the door.

   he pushed it and I tried to stop him but I couldn't he is way stronger than I am. I backed up a little so the door won't hit me. He stood infront of me with a panicked look on his face "listen to me please, I didn't tell you for a reason I can't say right now" he explained slowly "well what kind of reason is so big that you hide something like this from your best friend huh?" I didn't want to be harsh but I couldn't help it.

    "it's a reason I can't say cause it might end our friendship... and I don't want that" he looked down at his feet. He looked so sad "I don't want to talk now, and I don't think you're ready for that either" I sighed in annoyance, I didn't want to go any further in this conversation so none of us would get anymore hurt. 

  "ok, if you wish" he nodded and walked out of the room. Even though I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. so many thoughts ran through my head. Why didn't he tell me earlier? What did he mean by end our friend ship? What was his reason? Ugh. why are you being difficult mark lee?.

   I stayed up till 3 a.m feeling sad and confused. What about max? I can't stay away from him I'm so attached to him, and he is attached to me. "aaahhhhhh" I let out a frustrated scream on my pillow.

I woke up feeling very tired cause I only slept for a few hours only. I packed my stuff and left early on before any one woke up. I opened my house and sighed ugh, I'm so tired I'm going back to sleep.

Heeellooo everyone, how yall doing? I know I know I didn't update in a while, but I have already started school and it's getting busier by the day. So I have changed my schedule and I will try my best to at least update every weekend if any odd updates happen during the week it means that I'm a bit more free so yeah. Now here is a new chapter and a long one, I worked really hard on it so I hope you enjoy it and as always comment, vote and share the fanfic. Thank you.


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