Emotional Paulie

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If I get anything wrong please forgive me, fist Beatles Fanfic and all...

Paul was being emotional again. The past week he had just stayed in bed and let George and Ringo take care of him.
That alone seemed strange, and John could have sworn that there was something going on between the three.
Now it was just the two of them, as Rings and Geo had gone off somewhere, insisting they go alone.
They had made John swear that he would take care of Poor Emotional Princess Paulie.
Personally, John would have done it even without the oath.
He had finally come to terms with his feelings for the guitarist and had tried desperately to get over him. Only to find that it wasn't a crush at all.
Simply put, John Lennon was indisputably and hopelessly in love with Paul McCartney.

With a little knock on the door, John entered the room with two cups of tea.
Paul was in bed, wrapped and covered in blankets, looking more like a soft little lump than a human being.
"Paul," said John in a soft, loving voice "Made ya tea".
The lump moved and the head of a puffy-eyed, messy-haired McCartney appeared.
"Thanks Johnny" he sniffled, as he took the cup of tea "You're sweet".
John rolled his eyes at the nickname but blushed a deep red at the comment, not even trying to protect his bad-boy reputation.
Paul did that to him.

"So how come you're so emotional and cryey?"
The guitarist snorted and smiled a little, making John's heart soar.
"Cryey ain't a word"
"I know, just seemed appropriate"
"I have not been crying"
"Uh-uh, sure"
"Ok fine I have been crying but just because I'm feeling a bit sad and tired and emotional, yesterday I cried cause I saw a cat with no tail from the window"
"Aww, poor Pwincess Paulie"
Paul glared at him half heartedly
"Don't push me, Lennon"
John winced mockingly, then brightened up
"I almost forgot! I got you a present to cheer you up!"
Paul smiled, his eyes crinkling a adorably.
John pulled a little wrapped package from his pocket and held it up high.
"I'll give it to ya if ya tell me why you're so cryey"
"Uuuh... I don't know."
"You're a terrible liar, Macca"
Paul pouted and crossed his arms, but soon curiosity overpowered him.
"Ok  ok, I'm all sad cause I think I'm in love with a person but he- erm... that person... will never love me back and I'm also sort of disgusted with myself and depressed because I understand that that person is my one true love...
now gimme my gift."
"Ugh, fine."

As Paul unwrapped his gift, John thought about what the guitarist had said. 'You just imagined it, you git. He can't be talking about a man, let alone you.'
And yet, that little slip up gave John something to hope for.
His musing were interrupted by a cry of delight.
"Oh John, it's lovely!" Paul exclaimed in the most adorable manner possible.
"Glad you like it Macca"
"Could you help me put it on?"
John scooted closer to the guitarist and  helped him with a little bracelet he had bought a few days before.
It was silver and had a little guitar charm on it.
The present cheered up Paul greatly, and the two sat there enjoying tea and each other's company.
But at one point Paul began to cry and whimper.
Surprised by the little outburst, John went completely soft.
He draped a blanket across the two of them and hugged the sobbing boy.
"I-I-I'm sorry John, I really can't help it..."
"Can't help what?"
"I-I-I'm into b-blokes... or at least one of them..." he managed to answer before pulling away and covering his face.
John pretty much fainted on the spot.
"I-I'm so sorry... I-I k-know you're disgusted..."
"Oh Paulie, s'okay really"
They sat there, Paul against John's chest, John's arms around Paul.

"If it helps, I'm into a bloke too" John whispered softly.
"What's his name?"
"Wouldn't you like to know"
"I'll tell ya who I fancy"
John couldn't help it, he had to know so the stupid butterflies in his stomach would stop.
"Okay, on the count of three we say who we fancy."
"You sneaky bastard!" Paul exclaimed but with really no malice.
John grinned, then proceeded to tackle the guitarist.
They tossed and turned until Paul found himself under John and blushed.
Throwing all precautions out the window, he blurted out
John inwardly swooned about a million times.
"Y-You fancy me?"
Tears sprung to Paul's eyes,

John acted on impulse, he leaned down and gently kissed Paul, a moment later they were moving in perfect sync, like they were destined to be together. It was sweet and beautiful. When the came up for air John just looked at Paul and smiled.
"Look at your bracelet"
Paul looked closely at the little charm and gasped. There, etched into the silver were the miniature words:
I will always love you.

Paul simply looked at John with love and pulled him into another kiss.
"I will always love you too."

And that was how John and Paul became the happiest men in the world.
"I love you Paul"
"I love you John"

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment, I would really appreciate It.
Feeling sad cause my parents are getting divorced.
Why am I even telling you this?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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