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Louis' P.O.V.

Louis was woken up really early the next morning to blood-curdling, painful screams.

His eyes shot open, quickly scanning the room.

His eyes quickly landed on Harry, who was writhing in pain.

He had the sheets in his balled-up fists, his feet were squirming and his body rocking back and fourth on his stomach.

It was the third day in a row that Harry had been screaming in pain from the gunshot wound.

Louis felt bad for him really, he wanted to make Harry feel better so bad, but he could not really. Only Liam could help slightly, but other than that, it was up to Harry's body.

Louis quickly jumped up and sprinted to Harry, touching his head.

"Baby, baby what is wrong?", Louis asked frantically, searching Harry's body.

But then Louis spotted it.

The blood seeping from Harry's wound.

His shirt was stained all down the back, and Louis could see the skin was bright pink.

His eyes widened, and he immediately screamed.

"LIAM!", Louis shouted at the top of his lungs.

Stumbling was heard, but the door soon flung open, revealing a very dazed and tired-looking Liam.

But, nevertheless Liam ran towards Harry when he spotted him, his eyes widening and looking over Harry's body.

"Louis! Quick go get Cheryl! She knows how to help! Tell her to get my bag! This is worse than I have ever seen", Liam said, looking quickly at Louis, then back at Harry.

Louis did not even nod, he just ran out of the room and to Cheryl's, quickly opening the door, not even caring.

"Cheryl! Liam needs you!", Louis exclaimed upon entering the room.

Cheryl sat up tiredly, but quickly stood up upon seeing Louis' dazed face.

"He said he needs his bag", Louis said, barely breathing.

Cheryl quickly ran around the room, grabbing a bag, and quickly rushing out of the room.

Louis quickly followed after her, ending up back in Harry's room.

Louis' face went pale upon seeing Harry.

The screams had not stopped.

Liam had stripped the shirt off of Harry's body, and his back was now coated in a sheet of sweat along with blood.

Louis could not breathe.

Was this how Harry was going to die?

Was this how Louis was going to loose him?

He had no idea.

"The bullet is still in him! I need to do surgery! Now!", Liam frantically said to Cheryl.

Louis' hart almost stopped right there, the tears threatening to spill.

Liam turned towards him.

"I am sorry Lou, but I can not have you in here. Not when he is like this", Liam said, out of breath.

Louis could not move.

But he understood what Liam was saying.

Part of him knew Harry needed him, but the other part knew he could not stay.

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