02. "Do they have it in black?"

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Song: Daya- Sit Still, Look Pretty.

    I could really use a cigerette right now.

We’ve been in this mall for nearly two hours I have way to many shopping bags to count and my feet are beginning to hurt. I prefer online shopping to be honest. It's alot less of a hassle.

Aspen suggested I could really use a spice of color in my wardrobe since most of the things I got consisted of dark colors. So here we are in this store where every single item seems to be to bright for my liking.

“How about this?” she holds up a skirt with yellow sun flower on it. And I almost gag.

“Ew, that resembles one of Grandma Ann's old table clothes.” I spat.

She slid across through the clothes again.

“What about this?” I look up at the item in her hand. It was a flowy light blue skater like dress with spaghetti straps. It was pretty just the wrong color.

“Do they have it in black?”

She whined growing impatient. “Come on, Riv. “You have to at least get something that doesn't make people think you're gonna kick their ass.”

"That isn't my problem." I replied.

"River." I looked up to see her giving me a stern look. Something she did when she was serious.

“Alright, fine keep looking.” I rolled my eyes and continued sliding through the articles of clothing. We talked about random things and what I've missed since I've been gone. Aspen has always been your average good girl and not really outspoken except around me. I'm the only one who can get her out her shell.

"… I've only got two friends since we've moved here, Lydia and Vanessa. They're really cool you'd like them." She boasted.

"Any cute guy I should know about?" I questioned. I hold back a smile knowing the topic makes her uncomfortable.

“I-Uh No.” she stumbles over her words and adverts her focus on the racks of clothes. Avoiding eye contact.

I hold in a laugh at her timid demeanor.
“Well do you at least have your eye on someone?”

"N-No not really." she stumbles again and I can tell she's lying from they way her cheeks turns red like a tomato. I decided to leave the topic alone for no and continue shopping.

As we continue browsing through the store I caught a glimpse of my reflection in one of the store mirrors. Stopping in my tracks I take in my appearence. Something was off I looked to plain and boring. My brown hair was lifeless and fell past my shoulders in a wavy mess.

That's when I got the idea. Aspen noticed the expression on my face.

"Uh oh, what are you thinking?" she questions.

"I wanna dye my hair."  I say excitedly.

She shakes her head. "Of course you do."
"Just come on" I grabbed her hand and had her direct me to the salon in the mall.
After taking the escalators we made it to the salon.

A lady with bright pink hair and an apron approached us. There was a sleeve of tattoos going up her right arm and a couple of piercings on her lip. Im guessing she's the hairstylist.

"How can I help you?" she asked in a chill voice.
"I would like my hair dyed and Aspen here is gonna chose the color." I informed.

"You want me to what!?" she say asks in shock.

You're gonna chose the color, now tell her what it is." I gestured to the hairstylist.

"I don't think that's a good idea." she declines.

"Why not?" i ask her.

"Because I don't want to be the blame if you don't like it."

"No one is gonna be the blame." I assured her. "Just do it."


"Pleasssse." I stick my bottom lip out in a pout. She knows I don't say please.

She hesitated for a second before finally giving in.

"I swear you're insane"

"But you love me though." I tease.

She rolled her eyes and whispered in the stylist ear. The stylist looked at me with a smirk plastered on her face.

*A Hour Later*

"Ready?" the hairstylist, who's name I learned is June, asks me.

I sit in the chair with my back against the mirror. I close my eyes andtake in a deep breath.

"Yeah, I'm ready"
The chair spins around and comes to a halt. Slowly, I open my eyes to my reflection in the mirror.

"Holy Shit!" I nearly yell.

My hair was styled in loose curls. The split ends were gone but was still lengthy as it came just a little below my armpits.

The color she chose was a sapphire blue.

I look over at Aspen who has a nervous look on your face.

"You hate it don't you?"

"No, I'm actually in love with it." I smiled as I ran my fingers through it. The color went well with my slighly tanned skin. The darkness of the blue brought out my light green eyes making them look oceany. I was really feeling this.

 I was really feeling this

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I turn to face June. "Where do we pay?"


After getting my hair dyed we left the mall and stopped to get food. Aspen also showed me around the town a bit just so I could be familiar with a few things.

We finally made it home with like fifty shopping bags in both our arms. Only like 5 of these were actually Aspens. You could say I got a little to happy with Vivien's credit card.

We make it upstairs and drop the bags in my room. Both of us collapsed on the floor from being exhausted.

"I don't think I've been this tired since our moms put us in that ballet class." I groaned.

"You mean the one you got kicked out of for putting super glue in Savannah Ingram's pointe shoes." she recounts.

I laugh recalling the memory. "She stole the lead in the recital from you and shoved it in your face! It's what she deserves."

"I still the remember the look on her face when she couldn't get them off. She was hysterical."

We both were laughing uncontrollably as we recall the fourth grade memory.

Aspen finally calmed down from laughing. "I'm really glad you're back." she said softly.

"Me too." I replied with a smile. "Now help me put all of this away." I motioned to the number of bags sprawled around us.
The rest of the time Aspen and I pit away clothes into the closet and dressers as we listened to music. It took us about 3 hours by the time we were done it was almost midnight. Aspen decided to head to bed since we did have school tomorrow.

I lay in bed scrolling through my new phone for about 20 minutes until I finally fell asleep.


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