Over the Sea

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Baekhyun woke up to the sound of knocking on his door, rolling onto his face and whining tiredly into his pillow. Peeking at his clock, he found that there were at least ten minutes before his alarm would ring, making him curse whoever decided to knock on his door.

He heard the person call "room service" and all he did was say not right now and the worker left, leaving him there to his own thoughts.

He sighed and let his body go lax, thinking back to last night where he ate food over at Chanyeol's place, biting his lip when he realized that he was smiling.

Park Chanyeol, aka the tall, attractive man that Baekhyun low-key stalked on TV. No one, not even Sehun, knew that Baekhyun had a little bit of a guilty crush on the celebrity, since the brunet himself had said that people who fawned over idols were the stupidest people on the planet (little did he know that after stumbling into Chomp!! he'd find someone that would turn him into one of the "stupidest people" on the planet).

But this little crush that Baekhyun had—it was only admiration. He wouldn't ever actually date Chanyeol, considering that they came from different worlds. Chanyeol was rich and many people knew him, whereas he was this debut Seoul singer who went by the name BBH, and his first album had sold a whopping 5 hundred copies (Baekhyun liked to over exaggerate the first words but in reality, he was going broke). Chanyeol was an independent guy, unlike Baekhyun who got his vacation from his rich Canadian doctor parents, who said that he needed a "break" after publishing only five of his songs. The singer was sure that his parents meant "a change of mind and career" when they had said that.

They had always pushed Baekhyun to be a doctor, dentist, or pharmacist but Baekhyun had frankly no interest in any of those subjects. He liked singing, and even teen Baekhyun told himself that it would be in his best interest to rebel. When his parents had moved to Canada, Baekhyun stayed back and told them about his dreams, to which they didn't oppose to nor encouraged, but they promised that they would still support him with money problems.

His passion for singing led him here, where people in the k-pop industry called him a flop or failure, but Baekhyun tried not to let those words get to him. He believed that he'd make it one day, regardless of how far that day was.

Baekhyun slipped out of his bed, wiping his eyes as he searched for clothes to take a shower with, stumbling on yesterday's wardrobe before getting to his suitcase. At the sight of his luggage, he laughed when he remembered how Chanyeol's underwear flew out from his suitcase after Baekhyun had unzipped it yesterday. It was quite embarrassing considering he was hailing a cab and the man was helping him put his suitcase in the trunk, to which he quickly added that he wanted to grab his water bottle, only to find that he didn't even have his own damn suitcase. He had freaked out and shoved everything back in, glancing at the name tag and nearly having a stroke when he saw Chanyeol's name.

Baekhyun had left the taxi man then, deciding that he'd need to sort out his suitcase problems before heading to the hotel. He was just on his way back to the baggage pickup in hopes of switching the suitcases when Chanyeol called him, telling him to meet him at the front. Baekhyun hadn't expected Chanyeol to offer him a ride to his hotel, nor did he expect the taller to help him carry his luggage up 16 flights, adding to that was Chanyeol actually getting food for both of them.

In general, Park Chanyeol was not what Baekhyun expected him to be like, to say the least. On TV he was usually the harshest critic on the show—someone that all the contestants wanted to get praise from; a Simon Cowell but for food. Baekhyun assumed that he would be stoned-face and completely unresponsive to Baekhyun's antics, but after his first little stunt of shoving his suitcase into the overhead compartment, Baekhyun was pleasantly surprised at how much emotion Chanyeol showed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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