The secret he's hiding

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It's been about two and half months since Jonathan proposed to Sherwin,"They were three days away from there wedding day and since they haven't see each other in four weeks. Jonathan was staying with ryan,hunter and reed while Sherwin was staying with his older brother Ethan and his bf Tyler.

(Jonathan POV) Ugh man this sucks i miss my little gingersnap.

(Hunter POV) Stop complaining you two lovewolves will be together in three days," i can't wait that long i need to see his adorable freckled face now.

(Reed POV) hey jonny have you guys decided on adopting some kids yet.

(Jonathan POV) um yea we have decided but," what's wrong j Ryan ask him. Idk man i mean part of me wants to adopt and the other part of me don't.

(Hunter POV) So what your basically saying is that you want kids but you kids with yours and Sherwin's blood in their veins. Yes that's what im saying.

(Ryan POV) there's a possibility he could get pregnant," what are you going on about now says Jonathan, come on j you and i both know there are some guys in the world that can have kids. Ok and ?" Look all I'm trying to say is that there a 50/50 chance your redhead prince could be one.

(Jonathan POV) Yea you could be right but how will i know if he can?" You'll never know unless you go in him.

Meanwhile at Ethan and Tyler cabin.

(Ethan POV) come on Sherwin get out here you've been in there for half an hour," Ethan let me try ok says Tyler huh ok.

(Tyler POV) Sherwin it's Tyler is everything ok in there? " if it isn't let me in and we can talk about it. Sherwin opens the door and let's Tyler in," I'll see what's wrong with him ok babe
Ok ty says Ethan.

1 hour later after talking both Tyler and Sherwin come out the bathroom.

(Tyler POV) Sherwin go get some rest ok while i talk to your brother ok," ok.

(Ethan POV) So is he ok what's wrong with him babe?" Um... well... ok how can i say this," tell me what tyler?" I whisper it in your ear. Wait he's what are you sure?" Yea he's showing all the signs has, has he told him yet?" No he hasn't he's scared cause he doesn't know how he will react. O ok then.

Two days later

(Ryan POV) You ready jonny boy tomorrow the big day.

(Ethan POV) You ready baby brother tomorrow the big day

(Sherwin and Jonathan POV)

Yes I'm ready to be with my little redhead.

Yes I'm ready to be with my big bad jonny bear.

(Jonathan POV) Ryan i got a favor to ask you. Sure what it is bro?" Will you be my best man? Of course i will.

( gonna skip all that other stuff cause i don't now it by heart.)

Wedding day.

The priest do you Jonathan Lockhart take Sherwin Wilson to be your lawfully husband to have and to hold through sickness and health until death do you part.

Jonathan: I do

The priest do you Sherwin Wilson take Jonathan Lockhart to be your lawfully husband to have and to hold through sickness and health until death do you part.

Sherwin: crying and sniffing i do

Priest: then by the power vested in me i now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Lockhart you may kiss the groom.

(Jonathan POV) i wrap my arm's around Sherwin's waist as he put his arms around my neck, I kiss him deeply. Baby stop crying, i can't im just really happy that i can spend the rest of my life with you," same here my little redheaded prince.

Sherwin x Jonathan werewolf au Where stories live. Discover now