Gluttony's Hobby

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     Gluttony was sitting in his living area, waiting for Abaddon to come out of her dressing room. When she did, she twirled in her dark violet gown. Gluttony smiled at her and said "You look beautiful darling."

     Smiling at him, she leaned down and kissed him, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you Gula-muffin. Now, I'll be at Lust's baby shower for a few hours, don't burn the castle down while I'm gone."

     Gluttony rolled his eyes and replied, "Alright Fruit Fly, have fun."

     When Abaddon disappeared into the void, Gluttony waited a few moments to make sure she was gone. When he was finally sure, he began calling his friends.


     Two hours later Abaddon walked through the halls of their castle, the baby shower ending early due to a mishap involving a dagger, Lust's sin item, and a goat. When she walked by the closed door of the living area she heard shouting. Curious, she peaked through the door. In the room, Gluttony and a few other demons were using Snacklings (demons of snacking) as Pokémon. Right now, Gluttony was in battle against Vore. He called out, "Alright Rice! Use chopstick slash!"

     Snickering at this, she took this new piece of blackmail and backed out of the room quietly. She walked to their room and plotted to use it.

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