Chapter 10

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Louis heard someone walk up the stairs. He was laying in his bed, the covers up to his nose and his back facing the door

Harry opened the door and sat on the next Louis, "Hi." Harry said shaking him thinking he was probably asleep

Louis didn't respond, pretending to be asleep

Harry sighed not wanting to wake him, "Fine, sleep. I'm going to talk anyways." He whispered

Louis still didn't say anything nor did he move

Harry laid his head against the headboard, "You know I'm still a little doubtful about recovering but I don't want to tell you because I don't want to worry you about my battle with death. Oh, and you know how I keep pushing you about us getting our own place? It's because I don't want to go home. When I'm there I'm not happy Boo. I feel the way I did when you didn't visit me in the in hospital. I don't want to feel like that anymore," the last sentence came out sounding frustrated and distressed, "In Hawaii I was the happiest I've been in what feels like a year really." Harry stopped talking to take a shaky breath

Louis turned around and pulled Harry close, rubbing his back, "I love you so much Harry. I'm so sorry for that and it will never happen again."

Harrys heart was beating extremely fast, "Y-you're awake?"

Louis nodded, "I am. You can tell me things like that Harry. I'm always here for you."

Harry buried his head into Louis' chest, "I dont wan't to go home."

"And if I go home with you?" Louis asked

Harry sniffled a little but held back all his tears, "It's not just that you're not there, its just the place its self. Too many memories, I don't like it at all."

"But your parents and sister will miss you." Louis said, leaving Ethan out on purpose

"They could come visit." Harry dreaded knowing he had to go home, "Please baby? I can get a job I'll do anything!" Harry pleaded tightening his grip on Louis' shirt

"You have to beg my mom and your mom, not me. I'm saying yes anyway." Louis said, kissing Harry's head.

Harry jumped up, "Really? You'll buy a place with me?!"

"I was talking about you living here with me. We can't live on our own yet Harry. We will as soon as we finish school." Louis said

"That's good too! Oh my god Louis I love you so much!" Harry said kissing every inch of his face

"We have to ask our parents first. My mom will say yes but I don't think your mom likes the idea of you moving out at the age of 16." Louis said

Harry was really quiet for a minute not knowing what to say anymore

"I'll help you though." Lousi said smiling.

"Can we ask Jay now?" Harry said biting both his lips

"Of course." Louis said and called his mom.

"Yeah?" she asked, entering the room

Harry blushed a little, "Um we wanted to talk to you about something."

"More sex stories?" Jay asked, sitting down next to them and Louis shook his head. "Mom, can Harry move in?" Louis asked and Jay's jaw dropped a little. "Why?" she asked

Harry was a little shocked at Louis' bluntness but he decided to tell Jay the truth, he only knew her for a short time but felt really close to her, "Its just- When I was in the hospital I, um, I tried to take my own life." Harry looked down at his hands, "And when I'm here with Louis I feel happy and I just love it here but when I'm at home I feel the way I did in the hospital again."

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