Chapter 5

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Hey there. It's destielshipper21 again to write my chapter for this collab. This was super last minute but I like it and I hope you do as well. Thanks for reading!!

Harry has been thinking about Louis and his relationship a lot over the past few days. He wants to move on from the bumps that they've had from losing their daughter. Before, they both needed time to heal individually, as they still do, but now they can do most of it together. Their usually romantic relationship has died down to almost nothing since the accident.

Harry sits down at the kitchen table after a long morning in his studio, paint still underneath his fingernails that he had scrubbed many times in the sink to no avail.

He takes a long drink from the water bottle he had gotten from the fridge and thinks about something romantic to spark their relationship back to life. He lets his eyes wander across the room and his eyes land on their old family picnic blanket, folded neatly near the back door.

He smiles and picks at a stray string hanging from his t-shirt. Memories of their little family outings with the blanket brought a smile to his face. Those memories were happy, and something Harry surprisingly didn't become sad thinking about.

There was a small park around 5 minutes down the road that Harry, Louis, and Charlie would walk to, usually in the fall with their picnic basket.

They had a special spot under a tall oak tree with strong branches to sit under. Harry would make the food and Louis would carry the basket, each of them holding a hand of Charlie's in between them, occasionally swinging her until she squealed.

He thought of all the afternoons and early Saturday mornings they would spend there, remembering when they taught Charlie to ride her bike beneath the safety of their tree. She had fallen and scraped her knee, causing her to cry a bit before standing back up with her Finding Nemo band-aid and trying again. Her parents 'awed' as she pedaled away with her little yellow training wheels.

Harry finished his bottle of water when he came back to the present and started cooking, a smile making its way onto his face as he thought of a nice romantic gesture for his husband.


Soon the food was nearly ready to be packed, the blanket newly washed and folded on the table. Harry had taken a shower and put up his hair into a bun, wearing a white shirt with a flannel wrapped around his waist, paired with skinny jeans and boots.

He quickly bounded into the living room to see Louis stretching like a kitten from sitting on the couch. Louis looked up at him and smiled, making his way over to kiss Harry's cheek. "Hey Gorgeous, what have you been up to?" Louis says happily.

"Nothing really," Harry scanned Louis' appearance and grimaced at the old stained sweatpants and ripped shirt. "Louis babe you need to go put on some real clothes. I planned us a date."

Louis jumped up, a glimmer of excitement on his face. "Really? I'll go get ready right away then." He spoke quickly as he bound up the stairs to their room.

Harry chuckled and walked back to the kitchen to finish putting all of the food into the basket and making sure he looked presentable.

Not much later Louis came stampeding down the stairs and into the kitchen wearing a white t-shirt, showing off his tattoos and, surprisingly, jeans. He looked at the picnic basket and his face took on a fond look. "Oh Babe. This is just what we needed, huh?" He walked to Harry and wrapped his arms around the slightly taller man, kissing him quickly before grabbing the basket and practically pulling Harry out the door, but not before his husband could grab their blanket.

The walk to the park was nice. The sun shines down on the couple happily as they swung their interlocked hands and sneak cheeky glances at each other.

They reach their tree and spread out the picnic blanket and lay out the food. Of course, just like a cliche couple would, they feed each other grapes and strawberries, along with the main course.

During their dessert, Harry laughed when Louis could not locate the pie filling on his chin, so harry ended up licking it off, when evidentally ended with a small make out session.

After they finished eating, Harry and Louis lay cuddling under the tree, not even noticing the slight wind change and darkening clouds. The couple was completely content laying there, wrapped up in each other.

A drop of water hits Harry's cheek and he jumped slightly, not at all concerned. Then another splattered into him, and another, followed by more. Him and Louis jump up and scramble to put their stuff away to escape the rain, but the torrent did not stop. Nor did it show any sign of letting up for them. Eventually they just laugh and run around like children in the cool water.

Louis stopped suddenly and took Harry's wrist into his delicate hand, pulling him closer in the rain to tuck a stray strand of hair behind his lover's ear. "I love you," He says as he gazes deeply into Harry's eyes, not an ounce of dishonesty behind his words. Harry sheds a single tear at his declaration and answers "I love you too, Boo."

Louis smiles and pulls his husband down into a sweet kiss, not too slow but in no rushed way. Time stood still as they move in perfect sync. Harry smiles and wraps his arms around Louis' neck while the latter rests his hands delicately on Harry's hips.

They pull apart slowly, their foreheads resting against each other. "We should probably go home now, Lou." Harry says awkwardly, his teeth starting to chatter. "Okay Gorgeous," Louis says, wrapping his arm around Harry, "let's go home."

The couple gathered their things, walking home and mindlessly throwing their stuff on the kitchen table. Then leisurely walking upstairs to change and cuddle happily in bed, falling asleep to the sound of each other's heartbeat.

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