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It wasn't supposed to be this way. They should have realized they were outmatched, out armed, and outnumbered. They should have been that smart, it was only common sense, but they were still coming at them full force like they had a fighting chance. They clearly had no battle plan with the way they rampaged wildly through the open fields toward their intended targets. Surrender was their best option, but it didn't look like that was going to happen any time soon.

They just kept coming in sporadic waves, like the sea just before the worst of a storm hit. Some came in large numbers and others in small. They came over the hilltops, from behind the trees, and even from the skies. It was horrifying to see them, even from a distance, and even more so up close. Some had wings and talons while others had gills and webbed feet. A few had as many as ten eyes while a spattering of them here and there only had one. Great horned heads came charging and barreling toward the front lines, knocking men aside before anyone knew what hit them. Fangs that gleamed in the bright light of the sun were shown as their bearers hissed and growled at their adversaries. Large, bulking bodies deflected the swings of swords and axes while the smaller bodies weaved through to claw and maw at exposed flesh.

It was all so chaotic compared to just a few hours ago. The sun, much like it was now, warmed the air and the earth as it continued in ascendance into the clear blue sky. Farmers attended the crops as they enjoyed the warm day, basking in the rays as they swatted bugs and slugs from the plants and picked the ripe fruits and vegetables. Bakers and sellers called out to attract customers to their shops, making a modest living from their confectionaries and collectable items. The more upscale members of society walked about with parasols to protect their soft, porcelain skin from the sun as they window shopped and debated whether or not they wanted to risk their figures on those sweet confectionaries. The lower scale watched them go by and wished to be in their shoes even for just a day. Now, in that time frame, there was no such thing as social classes as they all sat hunkered beneath tables and behind counters, trying to hide themselves from the mayhem and destruction going on outside.

It was hard for them not to gasp or finch every time they so much as heard a noise or saw a shadow too close to where they were. They hadn't been found yet, but it was highly suspected that it was only a matter of time. Their only saving grace was their defenders outside, keeping those horrid creatures at bay, but how long could that last? Their attackers were out armed and matched, but even a well-crafted weapon could only go so far in terms of battle when the wielders eventually got tired.

High up in the sky, so high it nearly touched the clouds, stood a tower that looked far out into the horizon. It was the highest tower in the kingdom and probably also the safest. The tower was protected by a barrier that extended all the way around the outer wall that deflected everything that came at it, protecting everything that came at it. There was only one access point, which was a long spiral staircase that winded all the way to the top where a locked trap door waited, but the staircase was hidden deep within the castle the tower was attached to and heavily guarded by men armed to the teeth and behind the locked trap door waited two of the kingdoms best guards who stood at the ready should anything get past their defenses.

The interior of the tower was lavishly decorated with long silk curtains that blew elegantly in the wind that came in through the open double door that led out onto the balcony, cushions and chairs stuffed with only the finest of feathers as soft as a baby's breath, tiled floors that sparkled like water in the sun, and rugs hand woven with care to create wonderful and beautiful patterns. Nearly everything was colored either white or blue; the blue was a unique color, somewhere between baby and light blue, and seemed to be a shade present in nearly all the clothing, buildings, and even some of the animals. It served as sort of an unspoken mascot for the people, reminding them that they were always protected and being watched over, just as the castle did while standing taller than anything in sight.

Turning Back the Hands of Time (Star vs the Forces of Evil AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now