Ch 1- Sleepless but not Dreamless

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"Great job," a battered and bruised Ludo said as he held up a thumb, his short body lying across a jewel encrusted, brown leather bound book with pages sticking out of it like they were going to fall out at any second. The orange clown outfit he wore was torn, but somehow his white makeup had remained unsmudged. "Fetch Spider," he smiled maliciously. "We have what we want."

The giant eagle he had been speaking to now donned a determined look on her face as she crouched down and then sprang into the air, spreading her mighty wings and taking flight. She squawked loudly and swooped down to snatch up the giant black spider from the ground just as Marco front flipped forward.

"Huh?" Marco said in confusion after landing in his trained pose, looking around to find the oversized creature not below his feet but in the air. The spider now in her talons, the eagle turned back around in the other direction while the eight legged other female shot a large web out. The web hit the sides of the book without her even having to look. Ludo made a noise of surprise as he and the book were lifted into the air. Marco watched them go past and started to chase after them as he angrily, "No, no, no, no!"

Jackie was busy trying to fend off a horde of rats with her skateboard, looking very out of place in a seafoam colored dress and Marco the same in a tux, with Jackie behind her making a noise of disgust. They both watched in surprise as the rats looked to the left before scurrying away.

Marco grunted and panted as he tried to keep up with a flying Ludo. He smiled triumphantly when his hand touched it, but that smile fell when Ludo said, "Do you really want to spend precious time chasing me? I mean, look!" He followed where the short feathered man's finger pointed. What he saw was his best friend clinging to the ground for dear life to keep from being sucked into the glowing green black hole behind her. He let go of the book and skidded to a stop. "Star!" he called as he turned and ran towards her.

Ludo cackled wickedly as he and the two creatures carrying him away rose higher and higher, far out of reach from any normal human.

Star felt could feel herself losing her grip, but she didn't know what to do. The black hole behind her was sucking her in with a force so strong that she couldn't move her other arm or her legs. Her fingers slipped further and further off the rock she was holding on to, fear evident on her face, until finally she didn't have a good enough hold on it. Crying out in alarm, she started to fly backwards toward the black hole.

She didn't get far, though, before a hand reached out and grabbed her fist. She looked in shock to find Marco standing there, bracing himself as hard as he could against the ground to keep them both from being taken away to some unknown destination. "Marco, let go," she said as he started to slide forward, her feet starting to disappear in the blackness. "You're gonna get pulled in, too!"

"I'm not letting go!" Marco stated just before another hand grabbed his. He looked back in shock to find Jackie holding his arm tightly with a look of worry while Janna held her other arm with determination.

With all three of them pulling back, they started to slowly move away from the black hole just as it closed. Jackie, Marco, and Star all fell to the ground while Janna looked at them with wide eyes.

"Ugh," Star groaned as she pulled her face away from the grass.

"You okay?" Marco asked, helping her to her feet as he stood.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks to you," Star reassured him while rubbing her arm, surprise crossing her face when he turned away from her.

"Jackie! Are you okay?" a worried Marco asked as he helped her up from the ground as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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