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Sooooooooooo this request was made by Dream_Loves_Comedy and I just want to say that well...nevermind, it's not important.



Ato: *reading Our Most Precious, written by Dream_Loves_Comedy *

Tiff: Geez. You like the angst-themed book, don't you?

Ato: It's not like you hate them.

Tiff: That's true...

Akira: *smashes through wall*


Akira: I DON'T GIVE A F! U! C! K!

Ato: You guys fight too much. *yawn*

Tiff: You fight too much with me-- *an envelope comes flying across the room and smacks her face*

Akira: I was talking, bish!

Tiff: Oh geez, fix the wall.

Akira: *snaps fingers*

Tiff: *reads letter* Ato, you might enjoy this.

Ato: *reads the letter* Ooh~! Should we bring the Eves with them?

Tiff: Sure~! They can comfort them while I'll just be taking pictures.

Ato: Hey! You ain't the only one!

Tiff: Heh.

Akira: *on the phone with Fish (because I can Dream, Fish) and phone call later ends*

Ato: They're coming right?

Tiff: I'm pretty sure that Jeje and Mikuni won't come because of someone. *glares at Akira* Well, I'll try to get them here.

  •·.·''·.·• FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER •·.·''·.·•  

Tiff: *hanging upside down on rope* A-Akira, I feel lightheaded.

Akira: I don't care. Go die.

Ato: You hate Tiff a lot.

Akira: At least I'm not going to actually kill her.

Tiff: Th-That is what is g-going to happen i-if you don't get m-me off of the rope!

Akira: *sighs and snaps fingers*

Tiff: Ugh, thanks.

Akira: No problem--

Knock knock!

Tiff: *looks at window* Oh.

Dream: *smiles*

Tiff: *opens window*

Dream: Finally! I thought I was going to die out there!

Tiff: Fish isn't with you?

Dream: No.

Tiff: *sniffs* Ugh, you had to bring him?

Dream: He was the one that requested it.

Tiff: That is true.

Taiyo: Hey! (Dream, I know I didn't ask but I had to.)

Ato: *hums*

Truth or Dare with the Eves and Servamps |On Hold|Where stories live. Discover now