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Well, it's not like Jeongguk had anything to worry about, right?

After all, he was Jeon Jeongguk. Jungkook, as some affectionately knew him. (Kooks, Kookie, Guk, the list goes on.)

Captain of the football team. Co-Captain of the basketball team, councilman for the Red Cross club and a straight A student. On top of his impressive academic pursuits, the high school senior not only had a bustling social life, an impressive family wealth and many, many swooning peers that were willing to throw themselves at his feet, but also possessed an innate sense of self confidence, which was a result of his admittedly, charming good looks. After all, no one on campus could really resist his smoldering (at times, sparkling doe) eyes, and styled up hair, and, not to mention the cocky, smug air that came with his elite status.

No one was safe. Everyone and their mom swooned after the 17 year old.

It was the first game of the season, Jeongguk and the team intent on bringing home a win for the school and their coach, (not to mention that mousy brunette cheerleader who's been giving him eyes all week), and they were only a few points away from winning.

The chill of the fall air could barely penetrate Jeongguk's equipment, snapping up once the call was made and running immediately. He passed the ball, as a good quarterback should, then received it. This went on to cycle through the whole team, the boy's heart pounding as they ran up and down the field. Each time, he could feel himself inching closer to the endzone- closer to another win under his belt.


"Great job, Jimin!"

Jeongguk snapped his head to the source of the sweet, loud, but mellow voice. His heart lurched, looking back at the ball and gaining the ground that he lost to catch his breath, doing the same to the football in the process. His slightly sweaty hands clutched the leather tightly before sprinting to the endzone, desperate to hurry and end this damn game so the owner of that tempting, delicious voice wouldn't escape. Throwing down the ball and letting out a victorious cheer, he basked in the glory for a little before pushing past the huddle, going to where the water coolers were. Fuck, where was it?

"Nice save, Jeongguk!" Jin cheered, removing the quarterback's helmet as the hyped, sticky football team ruffled his sweat dampened hair. Jeongguk took a deep breath, still able to hear the sweet, chiming voice in his head over the marching band and cheers from the bleachers.

All Jeongguk knew was that he had to find this person, or die trying.


Monday rolled around and he was still getting commendations from practically the whole school, feeding his ego immensely.

"Yeah, I'll see you tonight, Christie, I just gotta head to class before- Oomphf-" Jeongguk looked at what- who- had just collided with his shoulder, effectively being knocked down.

"Crap, 'm so sorry," Jeongguk lifted the lithe, brown haired boy up from his armpits like some kind of puppy, confused at the seemingly neutral reaction he got. Anyone else would've been a stuttering, blushing mess just from a glance.

"'S fine, thanks," The boy graciously accepted his dropped notebook, Jeongguk getting a glimpse of the name.

Kim Taehyung.

This Taehyung kid had to be a) a freshman, or b) a new student. There was no way he could've walked away so casually without knowing who he was.

"Wait! Are you new?" Judging from the boy's height, tired appearance this early in the year, and overall 'I'm dead inside' look, he couldn't have been a freshman, and his name sounded familiar. "I could show you around?" For some reason, Jeongguk was itching to know why this boy was so unresponsive to his great self. Maybe he was sick? Or maybe he really was new, and years of tackles and basketballs to the head really had done a number to him?

"No," Taehyung scowled, which Jeongguk thought was not a good look on his pretty face, "I'm not new, and even if I was, I wouldn't need or ask for your help." He spat, turning on his heel to walk to his next class.

The raven haired boy was left dumbstruck, staring at the retreating figure, before a familiar face popped up in front of him.

"Hey, Hobi. Do you know anyone named... Kim Taehyung?"


"-And he just asked me if I was new! He really asked me! Can you believe the nerve of that stupid jock, airhead pretty boy?" Taehyung ranted. Jimin and him were the only ones in the library, and seeing as how the dancer was on the verge of a C in World History, he didn't care much for whatever Taehyung had decided to get Pressed™ about that day. "Jimin. Jimin! Are you even listening?"

"Hey, Taehyung... What were the causes and effects of the Neolithic Revolution?"

"Min, we learned this just today. Causes, ending of the ice age and retreat of big game animals, effects, agriculture and nomadic societies."

"Mm, thanks..."

"Anyway, can you believe it? He even offered to show me around, who does that? See, this is exactly why I hate football players, and-"

"Wait, the ending of the ice age and what?"

"Oh- For god's sake, Jimin, the huge ass animals we used to hunt ran away!"

"Thanks! All done," Jimin clapped his notebook closed, sliding it into his nearly empty backpack. "So, who were you talking about?"

"Jeon Jeongguk, that cocky son of a bi-"


"Yes, Jeongguk," Taehyung made a goofy impression of Jimin's voice, rolling his eyes and huffing. If they weren't sitting down, he would've been stomping his feet with puffed out cheeks.

"Don't ever talk to him, Taehyung." Jimin's voice dropped at least 2 octaves, face hard and serious.

"Trust me, that won't be hard," Taehyung assured, scoffing.



hi its c and ive decided to start writing on wattpad ! this is my first fic on here in a loooooong time tbh...i made this short just to test it out, please tell me if youd like to see more!

lmk what you think and ty for reading! i appreciate any votes/bookmarks/comments tysm! <3333

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