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"This is the most serious I've ever been, I think," Jeongguk replied seriously, with a serious expression. Serious. Yes.

"I don't even know why you wanna go out with me so bad. In fact, didn't you just break up with some girl-"

"Who? C'mon, Tae, I don't know why you don't wanna go out with me so bad. I'm not repulsive, am I?" Jeongguk left the second part unaddressed, huffing. He took the time to actually look around Taehyung's room, noting the exo and twice posters above his desk.

"No, Jeongguk-"

"Taeeeeeee-" Jeongguk started to drone on, even going as far as clasping the heels of his palms over his ears when the brunette tried to speak, like some kind of child.

"Oh my god, how old are-"




"Are you serious-"

"-eeeeee-" Jeongguk found it hard to keep a grin off his face, failing as Taehyung grit his teeth in annoyance.

"Ok fine-! But you can't bother me until the date, and we have to finish the project first."

"I knew you'd give in," Jeongguk had a shit eating grin on his face, taking Taehyung's hand and not letting go despite the struggle.


"So how far along are you with Mr. Kim's project?"

"'m done," Jeongguk answered.

"Wait- you're done? The guy who studied for finals 5 minutes before class last year?"

"Taehyung said he'll go on a date with me if I did."

"You're whipped. Kachshh." Hoseok snorted, doing a poor imitation of a whip.

"I'm not whipped and- What was that? Have you never heard a whip, Hobi? It's like- Kashack!" Jeongguk let a small bout of laughter escape his lips as he leaned back on the brick wall they were situated against.

"Whatever. Anyway, why do you like the guy so much?"


"Y'know, me and Jin made a bet. He said you wouldn't sleep with him in a quarter. I said a month, y'know, cause I have faith. You wanna get in on it too? Jin bet 20. I threw in 20 too."

Jeongguk shifted, brows furrowed. They'd done bets like this before, and were never caught, but Jeongguk hadn't even done it with someone who he'd considered a friend, and... His heart panged at the notion of just using Taehyung for his virginity.

Hoseok nudged him after a second, and Jeongguk nodded dumbly.

"Ok. 20."


"Taehyung! I'm done with the project!" Jeongguk beamed, almost tackling the boy in the hall as the bell dismissed them.

"Already?" The brunette grimaced, honestly hoping that the project would buy him some time. Leave it to Jeongguk to always find a way.

"Yup! I even turned it in early for extra credit." The football player chirped, slinging one lean arm around Taehyung's shoulders, pulling him flush against his side.

"Good boy. What do you want? A treat?" Taehyung drawled sarcastically.

"You're all the treat that I need. Anyway, I'll pick you up from your house, Saturday, at 12." Jeongguk didn't leave any room for protest, already being swept away by his team.

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