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"Ow, Eleanor--"

"Hold still, hold still."

"You're poking my eye!"

"Pain for beauty, Blair. Pain for beauty."

"Are you done?"

"Almost...there!" Eleanor steps back, capping the eyeliner. "Perfect."

I glare at her. "Stab me in the eye, why don't you."

"Look, you're going out with someone. As your roommate and best friend, I have to ensure you look your best. Which, now, you do."
She smirks.

I clench my jaw and turn around to look in the mirror. I widen my eyes at Eleanor's work.

Black winged liner traces the top lid of my eyes, making the blue pop, and my lips are a light pink. My hair cascades over my shoulders in its natural waves, and I'm wearing tight dark jeans with a white sweater. A silver headband pushes back my hair. I feel a pang in my chest, wishing I had my mother's ribbon to tie in my hair for an occasion like this.

"You look smashing," Eleanor says. "Pain for beauty," she repeats smugly. A knock sounds at the door and my heart leaps.

I roll my eyes and grab my phone, sliding it into my pocket. I put on my jacket and mittens, smiling at Eleanor excitedly before opening the door.

"Blair," Niall breathes as he looks me up and down. "You look..."

"Smashing," Eleanor finishes, smirking.

"Yeah," Niall agrees.

I smile. "Thanks." I shoot Eleanor a glare before grabbing my key. "See you later," I say to her.

"Use protection!" She shouts as the door shuts.

I flush and shake my head. "Sorry about her," I say to Niall as we make our way through the building and out to his car.

"No worries," Niall says. "I've known her for over a year. I'm used to it."

I laugh as he opens a car door for me to a silver sedan. I slide in, taking a deep breath.

"Your car has the new car smell," I gush when Niall gets in on the other side.

"You like it?" He asks.

"It's like, my favorite smell." Beside's Harry's. I mentally smack myself. You don't like Harry's smell. He cheated. He smells like a cheater.

"Mine too!" He exclaims as we pull out of the lot.

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

We break into laughs. With Niall, I feel so carefree. I like this feeling.

"So where are we going?" I ask as we drive along.

"An Italian place that's good," he replies. "Everyone who goes to the uni has been here at least once."

"Hmm." I look out the window as we drive. "So what did you end up getting on that project?"

"Perfect score." Niall smirks. "But something told me you'd have come out with me no matter what grade I got."

I laugh. "In your dreams," I scoff.

Niall laughs. We drive in comfortable silence for a bit. Niall finally stops the car in front of a little bistro looking place with checkered tablecloths and candlelit dinners.

"This place is adorable," I say as we walk through the doors.

"I know," Niall says. "They've got great food, too."

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