Chapter 1

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Mitch's POV

I sat at home flipping from channel to channel decided on what to watch. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket someone was calling me. I pulled it out and it said unknown. I hesitated a second before answering.

"hello?" I asked

"You better watch your back tonight." the unknown voice said then hung up.

Weird....I sat my phone on the cushion next to me. I glanced over at my clock on the wall. 7:45 pm it read. I got a shiver up my back. I just shook it off and continued flipping thought channels.

I heard a loud beep. I dropped the remote on the floor yelling,"shit!"

I picked it up and realized the batteries fell out and rolled under the couch.

Forget it. I heard a beep again then realized it was my microwave.

I dragged myself to my feet and walked over to the kitchen. I popped open the microwave and saw nothing inside.

I had a strangle feeling about this. I looked around to see if anyone else was here.

"Anyone there?" I yelled

No reply. I shook off the feeling and just walked back to the living room and manually turned off the Tv. Being the lazy ass I am I sat on the couch and scrolled through my twitter, Facebook and tumblr.

I heard a crash coming from the kitchen. I quickly dropped my phone and ran into the kitchen trying to catch the intruder. I saw a broken wine bottle on the floor. But I don't even own wine.

I heard knocks at my front door.

I ran towards the door but stopped in front of it. I grabbed the knob yet hesitated a few seconds before turning it. I had my eyes closed but when I opened them I saw a familiar face.

"Jerome." I said pulling him into a tight hug the continuing, "shit man I thought you were someone else."

"Who?" he asked

I let go of him and sat on the couch picking my phone up the floor saying,"i dunno I've been hearing noises in my house." He closed the door.

"oh" he said mischievously.

"Jerome everything good with you?" I asked concerned. I turned around to face him and he put his hands behind his back quickly saying,"everything perfect. I think you need some rest."

"Yeah maybe.." I said turning away from him.

I felt something heavy and hard hit my head knocking me down onto the ground. My eyes were barley able to stay open I could only make out a person hovering over me holding something. My vision was getting fuzzier bye the seconds. My eyes and hand were spinning. I felt my eyes close and all I could see was darkness.


I eyes slowly opened. I tried to move my arm but it felt bruised an battered that it hurt to move. My hands were connected together by handcuffs. I tried to call out for help but my there was something in my mouth blocking me from doing so.

I tried moving any of my other body parts but they were all bloody and bruised. It event hurt my rib cage just sitting here breathing.

I saw a figure in the distance walking towards me. At first they were hard to make out but after a few seconds I realized it was Jerome.

"jefom!" I tries a calling for him but you can barely make it out. As he came closer I saw a grin on his face and a wip in his hands. He untied the fabric blocking my mouth.

"Je-.. Jerome..." I said," wha-..what are y- you doing?"

"I'm here to play with my new toy," he said smirking, "you."


YAY I did it chapter 1!

Okai you can do chapter two now Brenda.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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