This Thing Called Life

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This thing called life. It's rough; if you let it. But if you strive for the good in life, and never give up, life will respect you. I know that I'm personifying life, but it's true. I hear all these stories of people cutting themselves, killing themselves(God bless), and hurting others as well. And why? Because they can't take life anymore? What has the world come to? Bullying and hurting. But why can't we see the good in people, or better yet, ourselves? Can't we all just get along? Can't we all just forgive and forget? NO. And why? Beats me! When I was younger, I asked my dad, "Why are all those men fighting each other?" He replied, "All they want is land, dumb, I know."

"But that doesn't make any sense, they kill each other for land! Can't we just share it...I mean, we are all humans on the SAME PLANET, right?"

"Yeah, I guess, but that is not how people think now-a-days. All they want is to be is more powerful than everyone else and will realize that when it's too late."

I live by this saying: "You know you have lived the best life if you had fun without hurting anyone."

It may not be deep like how you expect, but it makes sense.

Don't even get me started on all these fake b*****s that think they can just run around and expect everyone to like them, which they do. Its funny, you know that all these fake, two-faced girls who always write stuff like "Imperfection is beauty" or "Live life with no regrets because nobody's perfect" SHUTUP. I'm not mad at the people who believe in that, because I know I sure do, but if you don't belive it, then why say it? Just saying... I'm just fed up with certain people, so I'm writing this so I can just let out all my frustrations and pet peeves. If you don't agree, then go away. I don't need your opinion. If your wondering why I sound so pissy, its because I'm not in the mood right now...Ya konw? Like, when your just in that mood that only your fake-fiance can get you out of? Yah, I'm in that mood.

Anyways, there are a few things that make my life what it is and why I have such a great life.

First of all, my parents make me feel like I'm a great person. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. Either way, they make me just feel great. Also, my friends who don't fight, don't start drama, and make me feel great. In addition, in the fall, just brings out the "pumped" in me. Also, when I'm on the softball field...I just home. Ya know? When I'm on the mound I feel like it's where I belong. I'm like, "This is what I'm going to be. I'm going to be something someday." Isn't that veryones dream, though? I guess, but it's those people who really follow through on their dreams. Lastly, what makes me feel absolutely amazing is when I go hiking with my dog (a German shepard/collie mix) and my dad. Its great. Oh! And one more thing. Chillin. with my mom...anywhere. Just being with her makes me feel great. AH! there are so many other things I can think of, like going to the beach and just having fun in the water with or without my buds and sailing with your unofficial boyfriend (he was so great and I didnt even get his number...).

Another thing I would like to complain about is how racist peole are now-a-days. It really pisses me off. Maybe more than you konw, maybe not. Ugh! I can't even explain it.

I thnik that is it...Hey, I don't know you and its not that crazy, but follow me maybe? ...yah know what? screw the maybe crap, follow for a follow.

I'm signing off from my humble abode #neonlacess                                                                      *Those who dance in the rain are thought to be quite insane by those who don't hear the music* \unknown

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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