~Save Me~ ~Male!Belarus x Reader~

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                ~It always is something more than an urge. It's more about the feeling than the sensation. The sensation, of course, being the boy I've loved for a while now. The more I love him, the more I want him.~

            As you wrote more in your journal, your thoughts were interrupted by a foot smashing into your notebook. With a look of surprise, you looked up at the source.

            Your back hairs straightened as you looked face to face at Alfred, the highschool jock and famous bully. He sneered at you as he tore your notebook from your grasp which scraped against your hand causing a paper cut to spread across your whole left hand. You winced at the pain but still kept your gaze fixated on Alfred, who as the time has too busy laughing at your work. "Wow, ___! These writings' keep getting stupider each time!" Tears almost managed to to escape your face as you tried reaching out your hand to grab it back, but to no avail.

            Once he saw your hands, he smirked and punched the back of your right hand, the pain almost unbearable. You squeaked in pain as now both of your hands had a problem going on. He laughed and threw the journal back at you, slapping in across your face. "Perfect! Now with both of your hands injured, you can stop writing those terrible writing-" His speech was cut off my a knife hitting his back of his right hand, the blade almost making it through his whole hand.

            He screamed in pain as she brought the left hand up to take the blade out. As he did this, another knife flew, hitting the front of his left hand. He screamed again and ran out with two knives lodged in his hands.

            You, being too freaked out to even react, looked straight ahead. He managed to tear off one knife, throwing it off your direction. As it landed, you grabbed the knife and studied the fine print. Professional Cutting Knives Set...

            Your hands shook as you knew who the source of this was.' ___, come on. It can't be-' "You're lucky I came in time, he could've done something way worse to my прынцэса." Your whole body started shaking slightly as the platinum blonde boy took up your view. He looked at you with a monotone expression, emotion uninvited. You managed to look up at him and fake a smile. "Thank you, Nikolai." He then nodded his head toward your journal. "What was so bad in that, anyway?"

            Okay, to get things straight, Nikolai, the famous stalker of his little sister, always seems to get in the way of a bad situation. Now, you should feel grateful to him. I mean, he did manage to save anymore of Alfred's teasing, but, it's different. The first time this happened was at your lockers. A couple of boys were flirting with you when you obviously didn't want it. As they kept keeping it up, Nikolai managed to scare them away somehow, you forgot. Ever since then, he always showed up uninvited and saved you from a bad situation.

            You felt grateful, you just didn't know how to show it.

             As time went on, it felt like a tradition. All the shaking and all the freaking out was just regular. You actually felt very protected with him around. After some time, he sat with you at lunch instead of sitting with his sister, much to her distaste.

            You always sat in a solitary spot in the corner of the lunch room, a place where only some people would sit for a while when you were having a bad day. Some would stay for no longer than two days then move back to their regular table. For you, though, that place was the only place you had to your own. No yelling, no bullying, no nothing. Just quiet space.

            When he started sitting there, it didn't mind you too much. He would just mostly show up and stay and leave. You liked the quiet space you two occupied, but sometimes, for fun, you'd ask him about his day or how he was. That would result in long conversations that you personally enjoyed.

            The bullying wasn't too bad either. It was mostly just teasing or the average flirt or two. Never really minded you.

            After a very talkative lunch hour with Nikolai, you walked back to your lockers. Mostly everyone was at their class. You, out of all people, managed to be late in every class, which wasn't good for your Report Card. As you were running to your last class, a voice stopped you.

            "Hey, where do you think you're going?"

            Your back hairs stood at end, a sweat broke out of your whole body. You turned around slowly, praying for some miracle to happen that no one was there. But, sure enough, there he was. 5'9 with bandages around both of his hands. You slowly started to walk backwards, hoping he would leave you alone. But, to no avail.

            "What's wrong, shrimp? Too scared?"

            You managed to get only a few feet before he was already face to face with you, his blue eyes layered with a tint of red.

            "You know I couldn't let that thing with the knives go unnoticed, right?" He asked, and brought his hand up to grab you hair forcefully, pulling it upwards, the pain causing you to scream.

             "It- It wasn't my fault! I didn't throw them at yo-" Your plea was interrupted by him slapping you across the face with his free hand.

             "Don't think you're getting away with this." You looked around for anyone, anything, but nothing.

            "What, ___? Looking for your savior to come and swoop you away? Too bad, it'll never happen." He then punched you in the face, causing you to scream even louder.

            "NIKOLAI! HELP!" You managed to scream out. He stopped punching you and laughed. "Wow, him? How stupid are you? He doesn't love yo-"

            "Think again."

            Alfred looked behind him, and just then, a knife sprawled from the darkness and hit his shoulder. Blood spilled everywhere. You just stood there, shocked at the amount of blood, the pain of his hits not even seeming to bother you at this point. He screeched in pain and cried out. "DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU!" And ran off.

            Just as he ran off, a pair of hands wrapped around your shoulders, holding you tight. "___! Are you okay?! What did he do to you?!"

            You were met face to face at Nikolai, his flushed expression shocking you.

            "N-Nik, how...?"

            "I heard you call my name and I ran as fast as I could, but, I wasn't fast enough..."

            You felt tear drops on your thighs. You placed your hands on your eyes, but, no tears. You looked up and noticed that Nikolai had his face hidden with his bangs, tears dropping from his face. You placed both of your hands on the side of his face, causing him to look at you.

            He looked terrible.

             His whole face flushed pure red and his swollen eyes killed you. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him tight, the warmth from his body rubbing off on you. He tensed up at first, unfamiliar with the sudden warmth, but instantly hugged back, closing the space between you and him.

            "I... I really thought he killed you."

            You broke away from the hug to look at his tear-stained face. You smiled at stroked his cheek, causing him to blush a slight crimson.

            "He didn't, I'm right here."

            He looked at you and smiled warmly.

            "Good, because I'd die if I lost the only love in my life."

            Your eyes widened and your whole face broke out in deep scarlet. "W-What?" He chuckled slightly and said those last five words before closing the space between both of your lips.

            "I love you, my  прынцэса."



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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