Red moon

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The king looked from his high top at the land filled with soldiers. His soldiers. They were all standing on guard and the naval crew were on the sides. Matt looked around and was very pleased with the amount that they had for he knew that even if every member of the cerulean district came upon that land, it wouldn't compare to those standing there at that moment. They were at the battlefield. Queens landing was the name of the area. 'This is where I fought Cerulli and Angelo,' the king told himself. 'This is where it all started and where it will end.' 'Sir do you think what we have will be enough.' 'Not all of us have the armor but hopefully it'll be enough.' As his thoughts pestered him, moving objects began to spurt into the seen. The creatures have arrived, and although they were outnumbered, they were fierce. They all had black painted on their bodies and faces, all with weapons and a look that said that death meant nothing to them. Even the witches stood their ground, knowing that they had a higher chance of not making it through this one due to the condition that they can't use their powers. Not until the kings metal glove was destroyed. They all knew that this was either the beginning or the end of everything. Chris looked around at all the soldiers and was not surprised to see a large mass of them. But he knew that he had two special weapons by his side. After a while of standing and getting into the soil of the place the king spoke.
"Today is the day that will define our history and future! Men against savages!"
"Red moon has come at last and we shall see who will prevail, creatures or spoils!" Chris retorted.
"Let the bloodshed of those who die with no honor and fear everything!"
"May God be with us." The king spoke softly. The two flags representing the two enemies rose and they knew that once they were both down, all hell would break lose. Chris and the king stared at each other until it was dropped. All was dead silent. The swish of the clothes broke in the air and the screams from the creatures erupted. Both of the sides charged each other and arrow guns and spears began to fire. Once they got into close contact, all of them thrashed and swung their axes and swords at each other. Josh swung two axes around him striking so many of them. Ashley and jasmine were trying to fight with weapons and attempted using magic to help but it didn't help in any way and they were struck by the metal gloves. Kylie and Devin fought side by side and used each other for their advantage. Devin held kylie up and swing her around, leading to the soldiers getting kicked in the face with her spiking and heavy boots. Angelo went crazy and let out everything that he had on them. Matt stayed close to all the strong soldiers in order not to get killed but hit one or two when he got the chance. Blood and screams erupted from all sides and madness had taken over everyone. One chris got his knife out of someone's chest, he spun around to see the king tattered with blood. They both marched towards each other and chris jumped to hit him with his sword but came to no prevail for the king blocked it. Both of their swords were in lock together and they were face to face. 'Look around you cerulli, your people are deteriorating. My soldiers are more in number and are stronger. Give up now before there's nothing left of your pathetic.' Chris looked at him and grinned merciless 'We May be at a disadvantage but we have something that will guarantee me the sight of your mercy.' As if on que, a blood curling scream ranged from the skies and everyone stopped what they were doing. The screech was one that terrified all the opponents and it's sight did worse. The ginormous, malevolent looking dragon swooped from the sky down to the mass destruction and blew fire all around the them. He attacked the right side for that's where most of the kings soldiers were. It scratched, and clawed, and blew fire at whoever was wearing a metallic armor. Before it could soar back into the sky, the king noticed Ricky was on top of the dragon. In the midst of chaos, him and Chris weren't in lock down and Chris had been on the left side. As he walked towards a few soldiers, he saw smoke seep from inside their armors and they screamed in horror before collapsing to their deaths. 'What's going on?!' 'Sir, we didn't experiment enough with the steel and it appears that it's melting.' 'MELTING!' He felt something very hot touch his skin and instantly took it off. 'How can this be! YOU FOOLS!' On the right side of the fight the witches all felt their powers come back. 'My powers..' ryan- Ashely smiled and saw that most of the witches had the same expression. They all grinned and ran towards the enemies and began the real war. Some used their powers to protect the creatures from the fire while others attacked. Kylie disappeared and reappeared every where and killed each one off one by one. Ryan-Ashely amplified the soldiers fears and flung them around. Ricky also felt his powers rise and he channeled his strength and his feeling of protection to the rest of the creatures, making them fight harder. Chris realized what was happening and beamed with joy. Everything's happening in his favor. He spotted the king again and charged at him. The king noticed at the spilt second and defended himself. They both fought valiantly against each other and gave whatever energy they had. Ricky, on the other hand saw his target and went after him. He swooped down towards the soldiers and grabbed Matt by surprise. They soared back up and Ricky beat Matt with whatever strength he had. They were both weak so their fight was a fair one. Lost in the commotion though, the dragon had no one to stir her, so she decided to go back down. Ricky and Matt were pulling and clawing at each other like little kids, but was doing damaging. When the dragon was down though, many soldiers through swords and axes at it and it hit her eyes. She screeched and lept up into the sky. She went around in circles and went up and down unable to see what was happening. Ricky pushed his brother and tried to control Leila's movements. Matt came from behind and strangled his brother so he was unable to do anything. The dragon went back to her out of control movements and went to far down and hit many trees. Unable to get back up, she let us take her and they all landed near the trees. Chris saw the whole thing and tried to go after them but knew that he couldn't escape what was happening with him and the king. They fought on. Chris's strikes were hard and strong and they made the kind weaker and weaker. He kicked him hard and made him drop his sword. 'So this is it. Killed of by a barbarian. How revolting!' 'Yes it is. I've waited so long for this.
Intentions have changed though. I wanted to kill you to be king, now I'm doing it for everyone that you've ever hurt. For the lives you've ruined. You've done too much damage to the people I love and it's times people got something they deserved.' 'Oh yeah, and what's that.' 'Freedom from your bullshit.' Chris screamed and stabbed him hard right through his heart. The king screamed as well and held on to the sword before letting go and dying. Everyone stopped and looked in shock. It was over. 'It's over.' Someone said to his company. 'No it's not. Ricky is still out there unprotected.' He forgot about the whole commotion and ran to save his love. Ricky woke up and saw that he was at a land that had some stone steps on it. This must've been a place for execution he thought. He looked around to see his dragon was alive but hurt. He tried to run to her but had hurt his leg. He attempted to take care of her. Then he heard footsteps from the back and spun to stop his brother from jamming a dagger in him. They struggled around with it but Ricky spun him hard and he fell to the ground. Ricky was on top of him and he tried to plunge the dagger in him. Matt then turned them around and tried to do the same. Matt then stopped applying pressure and let Ricky force it up, only to have Matt easily snatch it from him and grab Ricky's hair and banged it on the concrete floor. Ricky moaned and grabbed his head. Matt punched him twice and blood care out of his nose. 'You're fucking pathetic. To think they were gonna make you king. What a joke. You took everything from me. Now it's time I take it from you.' 'You can have your damn thrown! I never wanted it anyway. I wanted to feel loved and have a family but you took that from me! You took it away from me!' Matt was lunged to the back and hit the stone steps really hard. Ricky got up and limped to him. He got on top of him and use his powers to crush his insides. 'You're a merciless jealous coward and don't deserve to live.' Matt tried to utter but his insides were bleeding. 'But I won't kill you.' He let go of it. 'I will not hold on to anger.' 'RICKY.' Chris found him and ran to his side. Ricky opened his arms for him. He carried him and embraced him hard. 'I thought I lost you.' 'You'll never lose me. Never again.' They we're looking at each other like they just fell in Love all over again. Before they could share a kiss, Matt screamed and tried to hurt them but chris pushed him with one hand and that made Matt fall on the steps and break his neck. 'You might not kill, but I do.' They both laughed and shared a sweet compassionate kiss.
9 months later
'This is to a new beginning. Ladies and gentlemen let us commence with the new king and queen.' Chris and ricky stared at each other and smiled. 'You sure you're okay.' Ricky asked. 'Yes my love, I'm fine.' I know now what I want to truly do.' They held hands and Chris kissed it. 'I present to you king Joshua balz and queen Ryan Ashley malarkey .' Everyone cheered as they were crowned. Chris and ricky the most. They realized that they didn't want to be king and queen. They just want to be together. Chris is more than happy to be in charge of the weirdos instead of the whole crowd. They waved at chris and Ricky, and they waved back with their rings shining. Angelo and kelly got married too. 'Hey I can't wait to go home.' 'Same here. I have so much to do now that I'm the new head of the witches.' 'I was thinking something else. I know you've always wanted to have a family. Why don't we start from now?' You got it mr cerulli.' They smiled nastily and shared and passionate kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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