Mr and Mrs Stabler (31)

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 Hey guys, I'm gonna do a little more of new York and keeping in touch with the SVU team while I do Olivia and Elliot on their honey moon, if you don't like it please let me know, thanks

Olivia and Elliot raced for a while and hung out at the beach

*Liv?" Elliot said while laying on his back

"yeah?" Olivia said while laying beside me

"we've been laying here for an hour" Elliot said

"I know but the sun feels good" Olivia said as she rolled over on her stomach

"I know but lets go do something" Elliot said smiling and sitting up

"What do you want to do?" Olivia said

"You know what I want to do Liv" Elliot said smirking

"Mr Stabler, our marriage isn't just for us to have sex every day all day long you know" Olivia said grinning

"I know that Liv" Elliot said smiling

Back in new York at the station

"how long does a honey moon last?" Fin said

"a few weeks" Amanda said

"Ugg" Fin said

"why?" Amanda said looking over at him

"it's boring here without Liv" Fin said laughing

"I know right" Amanda said

Nick walks in and sits at his desk

"whats up with you?" Fin said

"Oh um nothing" Nick said smiling

"you look happy...why?" Amanda said smiling

"Just had a really good night last night" Nick said

"Oh really?" Fin said grinning

"Yeah, and a really good morning too" Nick said smirking

"And on that note I'm gonna go" Amanda said laughing and walking back to her desk

"so you and Casey are going out again? Fin said leaning in his chair

"um no it's wasn't Casey, she and I are done we're to different" Nick said

"oh, then who was it?" Fin said

"Maria" Nick said smiling

"your ex wife?" Fin said

"yeah, she came over last night to get Zara's teddy bear and we were talking and we just kept talking and since Maria's mom was with Zara, we just kinda kept the night going" Nick said

"so are you two getting back together or what?" Fin said

"I don't know, I mean I hope so" Nick said

Back to the honey moon

Olivia and Elliot were eating dinner at a beach restaurant     

the tables were all outside and in the sand with white table cloths and light blue chairs, there were lights set up everywhere and candles on each table.

Olivia and Elliot were sitting at their table drinking wine while waiting on their food

"I love you" Elliot said as he put his glass down

"I love you too" Olivia said smiling

The waiter brought their food over and set it down

"thank you" Elliot said to the waiter

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