Everybody Has Their Place

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Readers POV-
I jumped off the hood of the car and got in. Craig sat on my hood for a bit putting on his jacket. I just watched him cover up his white T-Shirt and brush his thick black hair to the side to put on his hat. I felt my throat go dry and my heart pounding. I looked in the mirror and saw my face red as a tomato. Craig looked back and looked at me, I smiled but of course no smile back. He jumped off the hood and got into my car. I didn't want to take 2 hours to get down the mountain so I decided to take a shortcut and drive faster. We made it to my house and I parked. I opened my creaky door and stepped outside, it was colder in our town than the mountain so I crossed my arms and squeezed.

"Wanna come inside?"

"Sure why not"

I saw Craig step out then quickly step back in. His eyes big. He shouted to me-

"Your parents!"

"They aren't home"

"What? Why?"

"They both work"


"So, you coming?"

"Yea sure"

I walked inside and left my door open. I ran upstairs and shouted back down to him when I heard the door close.

"Hey I'll be there in a sec I just have to make a phone call for us"

"What do you mean"

"You'll see!"

Craigs POV-

I walked in the dark living room. I took off my black converse and tossed them, after (Y/N) called down to me I felt my feet squish into the soft brown carpet. I walked slowly looking around the room, there were pictures of her and her family. She had a cool little bar counter that was a wall but you could see into the kitchen from the bar wall. I sat down on the brown leather couch, I sank in and closed my eyes. It was so warm in the little living room, it was as if it was...living. Well if that makes sense. I saw (Y/N) come down the stairs jumping missing the last 4 steps, when she looked at me, she had her laptop and her phone.

"Craig you may be smart about getting out of school, but not smart enough to avoid the consequences"

"What do you mean? Are you going to rat me out or something" I flipped her off and rolled my eyes.

"No" I looked at her confused "Im going to make sure we don't get in trouble." (Y/N) chuckled and sat next to me, she opened her (Your Laptop Type) laptop and plugged her phone in. "You see if I change the caller ID on my phone I can call the school from your parents number and from my moms number... Just with a few codes and programs"


"Watch and learn"

She asked for my moms number and I gave her it, she typed in the number on her computer and dialed the schools office number on her phone. She put it on speaker so I could hear what the office lady was saying. Before the office answered I panicked and looked at (Y/N) seriously.

"Dude, you don't know my moms voice!"

"Chill bruv, anyone can sound like anyone on the phone, just get a deep yet high voice and sound nice"

"This isn't gonna work"

"You wanna bet?"

I sighed and I heard the phone pick up.

"Hello this is South Park HighSchool, Sheila Speaking"

(Y/N) looked at me and starting giggling she whispered to me-

"Oh shit, it's Kyle's mom"

She cleared her throat and continued-

"Um yes hello, I'm Laura Tucker mother of Craig Tucker I-"

"Oh yes, your son was called down to the office but appears to have skipped school"

"Yes, Craig had to leave school early because of a family emergency, I am excusing his absences"

"Oh okay, I will get his absences updated so he will be excused"

"Thank you Mrs.Broflovski!"

"Of Course Laura"


Readers POV-

Craig Looked at me and gave me a respectable face by frowning his mouth and raising his eyebrows, his eyes large while slowly shaking his head in acceptance-

"Woah, Well you really do know what you're doing"

"I may have never ditched but I have had friends who have and I have gotten them out of it"

"I never saw you to be a computer nerd, I thought you were more of a oldie, by writing"

"Well, when I get bored of writing, I mess with computers. Its amazing what you can do with them"

"Thats true"

We sat in silence for a sec and remembered it was my turn to be excused.

"Oh I forgot I need to excuse me"

I called the school back with my moms caller ID, Mrs.Broflovski answered again-

"Hello, South Park High school Sheila Spea-"

"Yes Hi Sheila! I need to excuse my daughter (Y/N) (L/N) for her absence today"

"Oh, Mrs.(L/N), Your daughter actually was supposed to come down to the office today for hurting a student"

"I apologize for her behavior, She had to have had a reason to do so though right?"

"Well I do know her and this student have had some troubles so it is possible that he had done something to deserve it"

"What student?"

"Craig Tucker"

"And what do you mean deserve it?"

"C'mon we are both parents and we know Craig, he's a bad influence, a trouble maker, He's not aloud at my house"

I looked at Craig, he looked hurt by Sheila's thoughts about him. I became a bit angry and decided to stand up for him.

"Sheila, he is just fine, he's himself, a group of friends who care, and a loving family. Like Everybody else, he has his place, Ill help you find yours."



"Bitch...." I peeked over at Craig and saw a little smile "Craig...Are you...Smiling?"

I saw his smile quickly go away and he looked at me worried-

"Smiling? What no?"

"You were smiling! I saw it I swear!"

"I was not!"

"Mmm yea sure"

"I wasn't I swear!"

"Fine" I said in a mocking deep tone "You weren't"

"Hey thanks for telling Mrs.Broflovski that, man Cartman was right, she can be a bitch"

"Yea well, she doesn't know you, so she doesn't have the right to say that" We sat again in silence and I once again had to break it. I opened South Park Movie Theaters website to see what was showing. "Now back on the topic of movies, what do we want to see?"

"Do....Do you just wanna watch a movie here?"

Craig Tucker X Reader---Just Smile For MeWhere stories live. Discover now