Neko!Zane X Werewolf!Reader

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Your pov
*RING* *RING* *RING* The High school bell rang as I sat down in my homeroom class I have Mr.Rivera. Yay! I've heard he's super nice! "Everyone calm down I am your homeroom teacher so for the next 9 minutes or so just talk to your friends" he said as he grabbed his coffee. I just brought a book out to read because I had to wait till class started to introduce myself to the class. I read Cinqure de Freak: tunnels of blood. It's a really good book I found in the library this morning. *RINGGGGGG* AHHH! I almost jumped right out of my seat because the bell spooped me that much! (I did that on purpose don't be mad for spelling) " okay class" Mr.Rivera started " We have a new student today her name is
Y/N" as he said that I got up and partly waved at everyone. I looked around the room and caught a few boys staring but 1 boy stood out from the rest he wasn't even looking at me but he was drawing Pinkie cake with a Flairity pencil. He looked up for a second and imidiently stared at my limited edition Flairity designed My little pony badge. I giggled a bit and when I did he looked at my face and under his mask I could tell he was blushing I sat down and his cat ears and tail drooped a bit I could tell a few girls were saying "MY SHIP!!!" In their minds. My wolf ears perked up a bit and I heard Zane mumble "she's kind of cute" I giggled and I guess he saw I was giggling at him because he blushed and was as red as a tomato. After class was over I went to my locker and saw Zanes' locker was right next to mine. "Hey Zane!" I said and his ears perked up and I saw a tint of red peeking out above his mask. I looked inside his locker and saw he had a picture he drew of him and pinkie cake.

"Wow! Your drawing is Amazing! You have the shading perfect!!! I wish I could do that! I opened my locker and showed him a picture I drew of myself and his eyes went wide

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"Wow! Your drawing is Amazing! You have the shading perfect!!! I wish I could do that! I opened my locker and showed him a picture I drew of myself and his eyes went wide.

"Wow! Your drawing is Amazing! You have the shading perfect!!! I wish I could do that! I opened my locker and showed him a picture I drew of myself and his eyes went wide

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(If this didn't look like you pretend it does or imagine yourself there)
"Y/N! That's an Amazing drawing!!! Mines garbage compared to yours!"
Zane almost screamed."Don't say that! Yours is really good! Anyway! We should get to class what's your next class Zane?" I said as the bell rang. "Oh no! I have gym so I gotta go!" Zane screamed and ran lightning speed towards the gym. I ran after him because I had gym too. Once I was in my gym clothes I walked into the gym and there he was. Zane was sitting on the bleachers where I think I'm supposed to be sitting. Aww he looks cute from here~ wait am I falling for him?!? No! It's the first day I can't! I walked up the bleachers and sat next to Zane although he didn't notice. I needed his attention right now. I scooted a tiny bit closer and our tails touched he jumped a bit and looked at me but I could tell he was smiling under his mask. "Umm... H-Hey Y-Y/N I didn't know you had gym too." He stuttered. Why is he stuttering does he like me? Only two ways to find out ask him or kiss him and see his reaction. I chose to kiss him. But he kissed me before I could so all I could think to do was kiss back. We broke the kiss to breathe. "I-I really like you Y/N. D-Do you like me back?" He asked I got so exited "Of course I do!" I screamed. I didn't care if everyone in the gym was looking but I'm gonna show them true loves kiss. As we kissed I heard multiple "I SHIP IT!!!"s and "no fair the emo Zane kid got a kiss from a hot girl but I haven't!!!" From a kid named Dante who was in my homeroom. As we broke the kiss we both yelled "SHUT UP DANTE!!!" In perfect screaming chorus. And then we heard some "OHHHH!!!BURN!"s and "ROASTED!!!"s from everyone.
Okay that's a wrap!!! I want to finish reading a story that I started that's amazing!
Pls request more stuff it would be amazing so shoot the requests rapid fire!!! I CAN TAKE EM'!!!
Bye my bootyful Unicones!!!
Peace my Cookie~Cats✌🏻️

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