Mine (Chapter 15)

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Ashlyn's POV:

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. I was pressed against Cameron with his arm wrapped around me protectively. I quietly got up without waking him up an went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I turned on the water to the hottest it would go an I plugged my iPhone into the stereo. 'Only Girl' by Rihanna came on and I started singing. It was my favorite song

"I want you to love me, I want you to love me like I'm a hot ride
Keep thinkin' of me, doin' what you like
So boy, forget about the world 'cause it's gon' be me and you tonight
I wanna make your beg for it, then Imma make you swallow your pride Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world Like I'm the only one that's in command
'Cause I'm the only one who understands
How to make you feel like a man." I sang as I finished conditioning my hair.

The next song came on, it was 'Diamonds' by Rihanna. A smile came onto my face. It's gonna be a great day I thought to myself.

Logan's POV:

I knew everything about Ashlyn, the way she walks, talks, laughs, and eats. How the hell can that bastard make her more happy than I ever could?! And get her pregnant! That's suppose to be mine and Ashlyn's life!

We had planned to be engaged after graduation and it's all ruined. Because of that dip shit Jason. Oh well at least he's dead.

I decided to drop by Ashlyn's place an bring her her favorite magazines and coffee from Starbucks.

Cameron might be with her but he'll never know everything about Ashlyn like I do. Like how she was bullied all through middle school, we were neighbors at the time so every night I would sneak in her room an hold her while she cried.

Crying because she wanted to be dead so she wouldn't have to go another day with being bullied. I've always been in love with Ashlyn, I'll always do anything to protect her. So that's what I did, I protected her from everyone that bullied her. Boy or girl I didn't care, they got what they deserved.

Once we were in high school I trie out for the variety football team and made captain. Ashlyn tried out for variety cheer an got captain also. I asked Ashlyn out that year and we were inseparable since.

I cried every night once I had found out she was kidnapped. The love of my life disappeared, and I couldn't protect her from it either. Even though we aren't together and she moved on I'll always protect her.

I miss her so damn much. The way she laughs at awkward situations when she doesn't know what to say. Or when she smiles at strangers. She always told me to smile at a stranger you never know what their going through, a smile could make their day. It's the little things that help the most.

Once I picked up her Carmel latte from Starbucks I headed over to her house. I knocked on the door a few times until Cameron finally answered.

"Hey man, um what's up?" He asked awkwardly. I don't blame him it was awkward for everyone.

"Oh I hope I'm not bothering y'all just wanted to give Ashlyn her magazines and Carmel latte from Starbucks. It's her favorite things to have in the morning." I said smiling.

"Wow thanks, come in and you can give them to her." He said opening the door for me to walk in.

Cameron walked in front of me to the kitchen where I saw Ashlyn laying on the island literally.

"Ashlyn what are you doing up there." I laughed.

"Cameron won't let me go to the park so I'm just gonna take a nap here." She said pouting.

I sent Cameron a questioning look before he answered.

"Some douche bags made fun of her at the park for being pregnant." He said. I could see the rage boil inside of him.

"What the fuck?!" I said angry

"Yeah but don't worry I took care of them." He said smirking.

Cameron was actually a pretty cool guy.

"Ok babe I gotta go to work, promise me to stay home and call if you need anything. And don't go to the park please." He said grabbing her hands in his.

"But I want to go to the park. I like the fresh air and all the little kids playing! It reminds me of my childhood Cameron!" She yelled. That's what pregnancy does to you. Mixed emotions all the time.

"Well what if I go with her? That way she can do everything she wants to and you know she's safe. And don't worry I'll kick anyones ass if they even lay a finger on her." I said

Cameron thought about it for a little bit before he finally agreed.

"Alright just please call or text me if you need anything or you just want to talk." He said giving her a hug and kissing her forehead.

Anger was boiling inside me. I just wanted to rip him off her and kill him. He doesn't deserve Ashlyn. Especially not after what he's done to her and us.

"Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Please text or call if something happens." He said giving me a bro hug.

Cameron grabbed his phone and keys and walked to his car.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked Ashlyn.

"I want pickles with peanut butter on them." She said starring at the ceiling.

"Ashlyn that's disgusting." I said

I looked down at her and saw the tears coming into her eyes, I quickly pulled her into my arms and held her. Just like old times. I would hold her while she cried. I missed this so much.

I looked at Ashlyn before I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers.

Oh shit!

What's Cameron gonna do when he finds out?

Will he fun out?

What's Ashlyn's reaction gonna be?

Anyway I'm sorry for not updating in awhile! I've just been going through a lot lately and I needed time for myself. But don't worry! I'm back!

And so is Jason ;)

Lol jk! Sorry to get ur hopes up!




For faster updates!! Thanks loves.

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