possible story: norminah & little lo, cam, ally

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title: broken
little(s): Camila, Lauren, Ally
mommy(s): Dinah, Normani.
notes: not properly proof read
summary: Dinah's life was at a place most people dread of adulthood. She's got an office job with a 401K, a wife, a mortgage, and a baby on the way. It's boring and settled and yet she loves every minute of it. Until a phone call from the past she's been trying to escape suddenly brings her entire world to a startling 360.

They're back. They're alive. And she knows her life will never be the same.


Dinah shut the door behind her quickly, closing out the slight chill that attempted to follow her into the house.

She dropped her keys in the dish, smiling at the music softly playing from another room and the smell of food already cooking. With her jacket in the closet, and her shoes by the door she made her way to the kitchen.

Her wife had her back to her as she danced along to whatever Top 40 song was playing on the radio station. She was too busy at the stove to noticed Dinah and Dinah smiled to herself.

She crept into the room slowly moving in time with the music, dancing in a way that was intentionally off beat and nothing like the way she actually danced. She made sure to make herself as obvious as possible, to catch the other woman's attention.

Normani jumped when she spotted something moving in her periferals but smiled when she realized it was just her wife. She leaned back against the counter, cautious of the food on the stove, as she watched her wife preform some ridiculous dance around the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" she asked over the music, but Dinah only smiled in answer, choosing to comtimue her dance instead of speaking. It looked like an off time combination of Lil Uzi Vert, break dancing and the Cotton Eye Joe. There was some spinning and at least three pauses for hand movements before the blonde made it into Normani's personal space.

"I was trying to make you smile," Dinah answered, which brightened the soft smile on Normani's lips. "Which I did. Five points to Team Awsome Wife."

She gave a little victory dance that was actually just shoulders and eyebrow wiggling.

Normani rolled her eyes playfully and kissed Dinah in greeting.

"You just rolled your eyes and kissed me. Are you having mood swings, the doctor said we should look out for those."

Normani's smiled faltered for a second, before returning.

"I've been rolling my eyes while kissing you since our first date you goof," she said as she gently nudged Dinah away so she could finish cooking. Dinah moved all of a foot and a half before stepping back into Normani's space to wrap her arms around her waist from behind.

"And how was your day Mrs. Goof. And how was Goof Jr? Behaving for Mommy?" she asked as she rested her head on Normani's shoulder. She held her hands over Normani's flat stomach, imagining the growing bump.

"Dinah," Normani warned swatting and Dinah's hands. They didn't move from their pertch.

"What?" she asked innocently, already knowing the answer.

"There isn't a Goof Jr, yet. Let's not get our hopes up again."

Dinah sighed.

"What happened to all that good Christian optimism," Dinah responded.

"It will return when the doctor tells me I'm pregnant. Until then I'm trying to stay neutral," Normani said though Dinah knew she was anything but.

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