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( Y/N) ( your name )

Kanato's p.o.v

I was in the detention room with a police and ( Y/N ) and we both had hand cuff . They said because "we might attack each other " I said in my head

" so why did you guys fight ?" The officer asked

" non of your business, right teddy ? " i said looked at teddy on the table next to me

" yeah what he said .." she said swinging her legs under the chair

" I need to know !" He said standing up

When the police stood up me and ( Y/N) stood up . I looked at ( Y/N) and she looked at me

" what do you want !?" She asked me but also yelling

I walked up to her , I was taller then her she was 5'2 and I was 5'5 so I headed her making her fall down

" You look dumb !" I said laughing

" ow.. you pice of shi-"

" tell me right now kids !"

He says yelling and cutting ( Y/N)

" well then since you are pissing me off " I said

We both sat down and told him the story . At some point I just wanted to punch her in the face .

After school / at detention

We where both in the detention room not talking to each other I talked to teddy and I was happy I was out of my cuffs

" hey ... kanato you look dumb talking to a bear you know that right ..?" She

I looked her way

" what did you just say ..?"

" you looked dumb !"

She said back . I pinned her to the wall no one was there so this was my chance

" get off me !"

She tried punching me but I used all my force to keep her pinned

" you smell yummy .." I said letting out a giggle

" you perv get off me !"

" that is laito's job, right teddy..?"

I looked at teddy then looked back at ( Y/N) I giggled again

" who the hell is laito !? And why are you laughi-"

I cut her off by licking her neck making her shiver

" I have not touched your blood and you taste so sweet .." I said giggling

" g-get off !"

I felt her cry a little . I looked at her in the face and licked her tears

" why are you crying ..? I barely did anything .." I said laughing

" s-stop !"

I got up to her ear

" shhh.."

I went back to her neck and bite her with all me force . She stared to whimper almost screaming but I covered her mouth

5 minutes later

I licked the blood that dripped and she fell on top of me . 'She blacked out ' I thought to myself

" you look prettier when you are asleep .." I said smiling

" I will bring you to my house .." I added

I teleported to my house laying her in the guest room and yui ran to me I rolled my eyes

" who is that .. kanato-kun..?"

" non of your business yui !" I said yelling at her

" you know you should be punished for getting in my business.." I said giggling

" p-please no kanato-kun I-I am sorry "

I pinned her to the wall

" let me think of what I am going to do with you ..?" I said ignoring her

" p-please "

" oh I know .. I will kill you !" I said laughing and biting her forcefully on her neck

" AH!" She screamed

" kanato ."

I let go and I looked and it was reiji

" you should be doing such thing in you private room. But you can't kill her so I will take her with me ." He said grabbing yui's wrist

'Since ( Y/N ) came along I don't want yui anymore plus she is annoying ...' I said to myself , he disappeared to somewhere I don't know and don't care , 'but the good thing is I have me new toy to play with !' I said to myself

Hope you like this chapter 2 !!! I will do your p.o.v in the next chapter don't worry ! Sorry if my chapters are short ... it not my fault I swear! Anyways I will see you next time with a chapter 3!!

Because I need to know lol!

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