The Origin Story

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Once upon a time I pooped myself. I know what you're thinking, "how do I poop myself". First of all, that's a dumb question. Anyways, well my friend, I am a magical being and I am the only one who can poop myself. The poop gods have granted me this amazing power. I know, how did the poop gods do this and why? Well, I banned the pee gods from the poo valley of Shadoobadoodop. How do you think i got the views? After all, I am PewDiePie.  YAZZZZZZZZZZ.

Im going to tell you a story before I knew what buzzfeed wuz. It was a dark time. I was the first buzzfeeder. But then Safia stole my buzzfeed and claimed that she was the first buzzfeeder. I was like wait wat m8, like no h8, but thats my f8. My life was forever changed....

I was so enraged by this that I grabbed her beak and stomped on it. But still she continued to tell everyone a lie. I cried continuously in the corner of the Panda Express bathroom.

So I sat for days when suddenly....

The end, I hoped u enjoyed broz.

Tell me why YOU left buzzfeed in the comments

also mah pugs want u 2 subscribe

remember, pugs not drugs.

Hugs not drugs.

Mugs not drugs. 

Why I left Buzzfeed(not clickbait) (gone sexual)Where stories live. Discover now