Chapter Four

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I thought about running, this old man couldn't be difficult to overpower. He must have seen this because he just shakes his head slowly. 
"You may get past me but you'll never get past him". he turns his head toward the door and back to me. "Who are you?" I struggle with the words, my head still a blur. " I'm Doctor Robertson" he explains. "And them?" I say pointing to the door. " The woman is Alice and the young man's name is James."  "Are they your kids?" i ask him. " No I adopted them."  "Why am I here?" I question. " Because I saved you."
" Why can't I leave?" if he saved me I should be able to leave right? "Because you belong here." he replies before I can ask what he means he walks to the door and opens it, "change and the come downstairs." then he walked out the door.
I found a simple dress and matching shoes and slipped them on. When I opened the door James is standing there with his hand made into a fist mid air. " I was going to knock."  "I'm coming down."  "Doc wanted me to check on you."  "Where is he?"  "The dining room I'll show you."  "Thank You." James holds out his arm and I looped my arm around his. We walk down a grand staircase and into the foyer. It smelled like pipe tobacco, peppermint, and old leather. There is a piano against the stairs and a grandfather clock on the other wall. The front door is to the left of the clock and another doorway to the right. We walk to the doorway on the right that turns into a well lit dining room. James releases my arm and pulls out a chair for me. James sits next to me. Doctor Robertson sits at the head of the table with Alice on his right and James on his left. " Hello dear are you hungry?" Doctor Robertson asks me. " No sir" i reply. Everyone looks at me like i'm lying, but I'm not, I'm so nervous that I was afraid that if I did eat something I might get sick. 
    later that night the Doctor and I were in his study, after he forced me to eat. The last time I was in a study I was removed from the college, my only home. "Are you going to explain why im here now?" I ask him unable to hold onto my curiosity any longer. 
"Your here because you belong here."  " what do you mean?" I ask confused. " "Your special, you have a gift." Not understanding what he means I continue to question him. " Do you mean cleaning?" I couldn't help but ask, the only thing I've ever done is clean. He grins and almost laughs before he replies.
        " No, you haven't explored your talent yet. The only reason I know your gifted is your eyes. I saw you while you were looking for a job, I also know they're the reason you didn't find one. I want you to live here, for free, you'd be safe, have friends." 
   I need time to think, this place is nice and warm, but I don't know these people. " I want to leave." i say determined to get out of here. 
" You can't." he replies. " Why not?"  " because I won't allow you to live on the streets." he answers. Then I guess it's settled, I'm staying with Doctor Robertson for who knows how long. 

Since I was a child i've had the same nightmare every night. Tonight it was worse, but it started the same. I start in a room of fire and eventually fall through the floor and wake up. But tonight instead of just fire there was ice and I'm freezing. Then something attacked me and I scream out loud. I'm still asleep when james bust through the door. when he rubbed my face with the back of his hand I jerk awake. "Wow" James looked at me, not in awe, but in surprise. I jump out of the bed and walk to the standing mirror. When I look into it I see a slightly pale young woman with brunet hair, but something was off. When I looked again I realize my blue eye was now a bright red. James walks up behind me and I put my head down. James puts both his hands on my shoulders and turns me around. I was facing him now, head still hanging down. James cups his hand around my chin and lifts my head. He looks even more surprised than when my eye was red and I know what he's seeing. My eye was changing from red back to blue, causing blue swirls to appear in my eye, they will slowly change my eye back to blue. James face calmed after another second as my eye finishes it's transformation, making me feel more at ease. James looks at me and when our eyes meet his it's like seeing him for the first time, his eyes are a crimson orange and gold.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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