Part 1

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It was finally my last year at Hogwarts and what would it be without a little surprise? Well, it wouldn't be Hogwarts, that's for sure. Dumbledore announced the Triwizard tournament during the Beginning of Term feast. The Great hall was filled with excited whispers of the students who felt that this was a chance to prove themselves not only to their school, but to two others as well. In fact, the entire European wizard community would probably know who was competing and especially who won.

My best friend, Cedric, turned to me after the announcement was made.

"This sounds amazing." He said, smiling.

"Amazing?" I asked in disbelief, "Cedric, it sounds dangerous."

"It's a challenge. It wouldn't really be one if it wasn't a little dangerous." He said, turning his attention back to the headmaster.

Dumbledore went on about the dangers, the rewards and then the age rule came up, sending the hall into another frenzy, mostly of underage students who still wanted their chance. The Weasley twins got particularly loud. The crowd was silenced and then dismissed to the dorms.

Cedric offered to walk me to the Y/H common room. I was fairly quiet as we made our way past the other students. Cedric attempted to start up some conversation, but I didn't say much.

"Are you alright?" He finally asked, unable to hold the question back any longer.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Because in my previous experiences, you have never been this quiet the first day back here."

I sighed, "Are you gonna try and enter that tournament?"

"Is that why you're so quiet?"

"Well, yeah. It's really dangerous Cedric. There's a reason that they're only letting in students above the age of seventeen."

"And I am seventeen, I hope you realize." He smiled.

"Cedric, it's not a joke! This is a dangerous competition. People have died!"

"Do you not think I can do this?" He frowned.

"No, I think that you could this, but I don't want you too!"

"What? Why not? I know about this tournament, I think I could make it to the end, maybe even win-"

"You could! But you could get hurt doing it and I don't want to be sitting there watching that!"

"It would be okay. I promise, I'll be careful, I'll be fine. You have to trust me, okay?." He told me. I sighed, nodding my head while knowing that there was no talking him out of this. He pulled me into a hug, said goodnight and turned to go to his own dorm.

That night, all I could think about was what if Cedric did get into the tournament? I had long ago come to terms with the fact that I had feelings for my best friend, although I was far to scared to do anything about it. What if he became the Hogwarts champion? It was an amazing title, but it came at the cost of his safety. They told us that they had made the tasks safer, but honestly I didn't think that it mattered. I mean, this was Dumbledore we were talking about. He may be an amazing wizard and a genuinely good and thoughtful person, but when it came to the safety of the students of Hogwarts, he wasn't the greatest person to leave in charge. All you had to do was look at what had happened in the last there years and you had proof of that. He practically hired Voldemort, then some fake guy who he let handle a situation concerning the life of a student and then he couldn't keep an escaped murderer out of the castle. To top it off, a student had solved all of these problems. I didn't care what they said about "being there for the students doing these tasks", I was still scared.

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