Part 2

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Dumbledore was talking, but I wasn't listening. Fresh tears rolled silently rolled down my cheeks every few minutes. Until they weren't so silent. Not wanting to make a massive scene, I stood up and ran out of the hall. I don't know if anyone even saw me run out, but nobody came after me. I just ran and when I was too tired, I walked until I didn't want to anymore. I let myself collapse to my knees and move to lean against the wall. I sat there for god knows how long and just let the tears fall. This wasn't fair. Cedric didn't deserve this. He was such a good person. He was the type of person that you thought would live a full, happy life. The type of person you thought should live a life like that.

This wasn't right. It wasn't fair. I had to do something. I had to fix this. But how do you fix death? You don't. No spell can reawaken the dead. But I had hope and I was stubborn, so I got up and ran to the library. I didn't know what I was looking for, but I knew I was going to find something. I didn't even know where to look, so I tried to think about what I was doing first. There was no way I could do anything to his body now. God, that sounded creepy, but it was true. The only way to fix this was if I prevented Cedric from ever dying. Was time travel even possible? This wizarding world was full of surprises and I was sure that there was someway to do it, but I had never heard of it before.

Hours later, I was stiff from being hunched over books for so long, but I didn't care because I had found it. Time turners could bring people back in time. But they were rare and I had no idea where to begin looking for one. I took the book and left the library, heading back to my dorm. Who could I talk to? Who would know where to get one? Who wouldn't go telling people I was trying to go back in time?

Hermione. She was brilliant. She could help me, she understood that I was going through something awful. The next day, I went straight to the young Gryffindor to ask for her help. I found her in a crowded corridor, grabbed her hand and dragged her to a deserted one.

"Y/N are you okay?" She asked me once we were alone.

"Do you know anything about these?" I asked, ignoring her question and pulled out the book on time turners.

"Well, yes I do-... Y/N don't tell me, you're going to try and use one."

"Only if I can get one."

"These are dangerous! Do you know how much disaster you can cause by going back for just a few seconds?"

"I know that."

"You can't come back either! If you went back to September, you would have to live in hiding until the time that you went back."

"I know that, I spent hours yesterday reading about them. I need to do this, Hermione. If I don't I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Besides, how much could I possibly mess up if I stay out of sight of everybody and only talk to Cedric. Please, Hermione I need your help."

"Okay." She sighed. "Last year, I took as many classes as I possibly could. I used a time turner so that I could be at two classes at the same time. If you go to Professor McGonagall and ask her about doing the same thing, then they'll consider giving you one."

"I can't do that, they'll know what I'm trying to use it for."

We both stay silent for a moment, trying come up with any other possible options.

"I could do it." Hermione said. "I'll tell McGonagall that I'm interested in extra classes again."

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course, I can only imagine what you're going through. I would probably be doing the same thing if it had been Harry."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, saying "thank you" what must have been a million times.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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