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There once was a boy who wanted nothing more than power, and there also was a girl who wanted nothing more than for the boy to notice her. Time and time again the girl tried to tell the boy how she felt but to no avail, because the boy was always preoccupied with trying to gain power. One day the the boy found out how to obtain the power he saught, but it requried making a pact with a demon so the boy thought to himself,"I have to make this pact but no one must interfer". Around the time the the boy found out how to obtain power, the girl found out how to tell the boy how she realy felt she thought, "If I tell him at his house then he has to listen to me." She then went to the boys' house. While the girl was doing this the boy had finished the preperations for the pact all that was left was to summon the demon, so he summond the demon. As the boy and demon were finishing the pact the girl walked in just as they had finished making the pact, all that was left was the demons compensation for his services so he took the girls soul saying, "Thank you for providing such a beautiful soul boy." After that the demon left. The boy was speechless he could'ent belive what had just happned while the boy was still figure out what had happend he saw the girls purse on the floor so he picked it up. As he picked up the girls purse several letters fell out as he watched them fall to the floor he saw that they all had his name on them. Curious he picked one up and read it. After reading it he understood why the girl had came to his house. The boy thought to himself, "I'm such an idiot. I can't belive how stupid i've been." While trying to figure out what to do an angel appered in his room. The angel said,"looks like i'm too late." He then turned to the boy and asked, " was it worth it?" The boy awstruck said, "No." "What do you plan to do adout it then?" The angel asked. All the boy could say was, "i don't know. I want to save her but I can't." "why not?" The angel asked. The boy just stared. "did'ent you just get the power you so lounging serched for?" the angel asked. "But I got my power from the demon. how can I go up against the one who gave me my power? He'll just take it away from me." The boy responded. The angel stared for a minet then asked, "what if you had more power? what would you do then?" "I would go save her of course but where can I get more power from? The angel said "I will. But on one condition." "Anything." Said the boy. "Okay my condition is that you give up your powers after you save her. All of them." The boy hesitated but then said, "Okay I will." the angel simled and said, "Good boy. You have one day to find her and bring her back. After that your powers will expire and you will be stuck in hell. Do you understand?" "Yes." "Okay theni'll start you off by sending you to hell after that you have to find your way out,and rember you have twenty-four hours to complete your mission before your powes expire. Okay?" "Yes." With that the angel sent the boy to hell to serch for the girl. Eventualy the boy found the girl and rescued her from the demons clutches and barley makes it out of hell alive barly being able to seal the portal. After ther ordeal the girl askes,"Why did you save me?" "Because i've been a fool the reason I serched for power was to protect the one I love even at the cost of my own soul." "Oh." said the girl. "Whos the one you love then?" She asked tearfully. "You." Respondes the boy. Before the girl can respond to the boy the angel appears and says,"Good jod you were able to rescue her now i'll be taking her." "What?" Says the boy "Why are you going to take her?" "Because her soul was already taken it just was taken by the wrong side." The boy could not belive what he was hearing. The girl stand up and goes to the angels side and says, "He's right the demon told me this toO he thought that angles would come after my soul and if they would then he would summon you to fight for him because if he died then so would I tencialy I was bait to lure the angels in so you could kill them." after that the angel says it's time to go. As they were leaving the girl said to the boy," I'll wait for you in heaven, so please don't do anything that reckless or foolish again please." "I promise" Said the boy "I'll never do anything to deny my acess into heaven ever." After that the angel and girl left.

well im done i ran into writers block so please rate and tell me if i should continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2010 ⏰

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