Chapter 3

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The team followed Dinah and the girls to the med bay and observed what was going to happen next.

"So..." Dinah began, "You two wanna explain what happened, especially the blood?"

Artemis and Zatanna looked at each other then at their audience. Artemis took a deep breath then said...

"Well you see, we were minding our own business cruising down the street, stopping crime the usual." She said then looked at Zatanna to continue.

"Then BOOM!" she went on, "That's when it went downhill!" Wally Was the first to speak,

"What happened?"

"Yea, we'd like to know why you two are in this condition."Kaldur said.

"Psst... Should we tell them or let them figure it out?" whispered Artemis to Zatanna

"I think we should tell them their pretty curious."replied the raven haired girl while she smirked

"TELL US WHAT?!!?" yelled the half kryptonian, who was growing impatient.

"Calm down Conner. "said his Martian girlfriend she looked at the two and said,

"I think all of us are just wondering why you are harmed and why you didn't go to the Halloween party." said the girl.

After hearing the name Harm they both groaned and plopped on their med beds( ha med bed)

"Uggh Harm!!"They replied in unison

"Who's harm?" Replied the boy wonder

Dinah began to clean their wounds and bandage them up, Zatanna just had a few gauzes wrapped around her hand and the cut on her neck wasn't that big so their was nothing needed except for it to be cleaned. Artemis just got her cheek wiped which left a little cut that should heal at some point.

"I'm sure Ollie will fix your bow." said Dinah to the blonde and then left the room for the team to talk.

"Again..." continued Robin, "Who's Harm?" Zatanna was first to answer( I wonder why🤔)

"Homicidal maniac that kidnapped me and Artemis during our girls night." she answered with a blank expression. Artemis decided she'd tell them the story so they'd stop pestering them about, she mentioned them skipping he party, riding around bludhaven(I'm gonna assume it was that place cuz I forgot)running into harm, the kidnapping, etc.

Then Wally spoke up,

"So you two just decided to skip a party to beat up bad guys and almost get yourselves killed?"

"When you put it that way..." Artemis said but was interrupted by their trusty leader.

"What were you two thinking you've almost gotten yourselves killed!" Kaldur said, concern laced in his voice

"Almost." Zatanna said trying to lighten up the mood

"Wait... Why didn't you guys go to the party?" asked M'gann

Zatanna looked at Artemis who just shook her head to keep quiet. Then she spoke up,

"We...ugh ju-st um, "Artemis couldn't think of a great excuse to say then Zatanna spoke up,

"I wasn't comfortable going to a party with people I don't really know and Artemis wasn't really doing anything so I suggested a girls night." she answered nonchalantly

"Oh." Said the Martian...she seriously bought it... "Well I'm gonna make some brownies c'mon Conner..."She tugged at her boyfriends arms who just grunted.

"I'll report back to batman and inform him what had happened." said the Atlantian walking away

And then there were 4( Chalant and Spitfire oh yea the perfect quad)

Wally was the first to speak
( he always first, now I know why they call him kid mouth ha jk)

"You okay Artemis?" He asked looking into her gray eyes

"Yeah... I'm fine." she replied getting lost into his emerald eyes

"I'm fine to." said Zatanna. Then Robin grabbed her hand and led her into the hallway.

"So.. He began, you guys had fun?." It sounded more like a statement then a question.

"Yeah, almost as fun as the kidnapping." she said with a small laugh which made him chuckle, for a moment they just stared at each other, eyes to mask.

"We'll I..I b-better get going Br- Batman" ( ooo almost spilled the beans ) "probably wants me home." He stuttered, thought the boy wonder was smooth, more like boy blunder now.

"Yea...I..I should get going too, M'gann probably needs my help." she said, a small blush creeping onto her face, and started walking to the kitchen without turning back.

When she reached the kitchen she saw M'gann and Conner making out on the "love seat", Wally stuffing his face with brownies and Artemis trying to fix her bow which was almost fixed. The blonde looked up and saw her raven haired friend walking towards her, she smirked which was returned with her own smirk, and they knew from that day forward that was their little secret.

Well I finished that hope you guys liked it and feel free to express your opinions in the comments and any suggestions are acceptable, that was harder than I thought...

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