Sinister Situations

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For those of you who dont know, I am basically the reincarnation of the goddess Freya, my children are reincarnations of her two children, Hnoss and Gemesi, the two most powerful beings in the world. When I found this out I was ok. Then my father-in-law told my twin husband's, Aiden and Jeremiah, that my children would grow up and destroy the world. Some bullshit about good and evil clashing. You want to know how I reacted? I slipped into a coma for a week.

Its been a little over four years since that day and we're yet to find a way to fix things. The only thing we know is what my dead sister-in-law told me on a trip to Heaven. In order to save the world, the light child must kill the dark. There is another way thought, we're just having a hard time figuring it out.

We've done hours upon hours of research, trying to find a solution. We've traveled across the world looking for answers only to come back with nothing. Uncle Tiberius is still tracking down leads on the prophecy. I can already see my children's powers showing. They get stronger and stronger every day.

I walked out into the back yard to see Ace, my youngest twin, in the edge of the yard. He is surrounded by rose seeds and a watering can. "What are you doing sweetie?" I asked kneeling down beside him. I dont see why he's out in the cold trying to plant roses, its obviously not the season to start growing things. Its only February.

"Watch what I can do mommy!" He said looking up at me with big brown eyes. He dropped the seeds in the dirt and picked up a watering can. He sprinkled the seeds just enough to moisten them. He held his hand above the soil and a moment later his hand had a bright white haze around it. The rose began to sprout up out of the ground moments later. It started it as a little stem in the ground and when he finished there was a bush full of red roses in front of him.

"Thats amazing sweetie!" I said happily. "Your fathers will be very proud." This is the first time he's ever done this. He's learned a new power already and on his fourth birthday. This is just another power to add to the list of many the kids can do.

Aeron can control people and when she lets her anger get the best of her, all hell breaks lose. We found out when she was two that she had the power to control fire. My mother was cooking Thanksgivung dinner and Aeron tried to get her attention. When my mom ignored her, she set the kitchen table on fire. We know it was her because she laughed and clapped afterwards.

Ace is amazing at moving water and healing things. Two months ago, he found a baby birdwith a broken win. in the back yard. He brought the bird in the house and showed Aiden, Jeremiah and me. We tried to tell him that there wasnt much that we could do for it and the chances of it surviving were slim.

Ace wasnt hearing it. He took the baby bird and wrapped it in a towel, he placed it on the kitchen table and climbed into the chair next to him. "What are you doing son?" We asked him curiously. He had his eyes closed and he was breathing deeply.

"Shh." He whispered. "I need to conthentrate." He and his sister talk with a lisp, they should grow out of it soon. We did as he told and remained silent. We watched as a small beam of blue light shot out of his hand to the small lump in the towel. The bird chirped loudly and Ace smiled and opened his eyes.

He removed the towel from the bird and it looked completely healthy. It was a tad bit small before but it looked as if it had never had a broken wing and like it had packed on a little bit of weight. It looked absolutely amazing. We stared at the bird i disbelief until Ace picked it up and made his dads put it back in the nest.

"I growed them for you mommy." He said smiling. His little baby teeth aligned his mouth perfectly. I picked him up and spun him around. He started to giggle and he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck.

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