Phillip Hamilton

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I take my daily walk to the news stand, picking up the newest writing. "The Reynolds Pamphlet?" I mumble and pick it up, letting my eyes glaze the pages. As I scan the pages, my jaw drops at the horrific words in front of me. "There's no way my dad wrote this. This is impossible. We were just with Grandpa upstate, he wouldn't do this!" I say to the man running the stand. I let my eyes trail over the sentence that seems to mock me the most, flinging itself into my eyes and sailing through my veins. "I had fluid meetings with her, most of them in my own house." I can feel the tears coming above all. There is no world around me anymore, just me, the book, and the words I'm about to shoot at my father. I drop the book and run home, tasting the wind and tears as they combine. I tear out a scream as I enter the house "Mom!"

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