Phoebe mikealson was the favourite child in the family not to mention the youngest she was only 11 when she was put to sleep by klaus. What happens when she is woken up by a certain stranger
Friday Xxxxxxxxxxxxx✊✊✊✊✊😍😍😍😍✌️👯💃sorry I haven't updated for a while I'm having family issues
I walked back towards my house "What was that" Kol shouted after me "It was self defence"I responded "Wow if that's self defence I wanna see how you fight" Rebecca laughed causing me to smile slightly
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"I'm sorry to disrupt but I really need to go it's getting late and I really need to read this book before the morning" "Listen Phoebe" klaus started before I gave him a look"Morgan I can't allow you to stay with someone else I can't allow you to not trust us you seem like an amazing young woman who probably knows everything there is to know about the world please just come back you don't even have to come back to me just them okay 1000 years without our baby sister is the worst thing possible we've missed you like crazy okay in did what I did to protect you mother was turning us into monsters and I would never want that life for you . You are so sweet and innocent I didn't want you to beat yourself up over all the blood you will spill all the lives you will want to take please come home to us" klaus ranted tears forming in mine and klaus's eyes the rest had left us half way through his speech. A smile formed on my lips
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"I spoke to mai she told me how she will always love me but she thinks that I should spend some time with you guys giving you a chance ... but only one ☝️ " i warned as he pulled me into a tight embrace "That's great great news another thing I was hoping you would say that so I got Rebecca and Freya to get your stuff so why Morgan? Why don't you want to be called Phoebe ?" I was asked as we walked down the street back towards the mikealson house "I wanted a new start something different" I responded clutching my outfit "Oh yeah this isn't happening too short take my jacket I'll bring us back in no time " he said glancing to my battle armour "What are you on about no it's my battle outfit well done it the time when I train or when I'm at home" Klaus picked me up and darted me out of the road towards the house He opened the door to reveal everyone staring at me ready to pounce and bring me into a tight embrace "Hi" I waved my hand to them Rebecca was the first to greet me in a big hug then the rest were quick to join "Here put on your pyjamas first then I'll show you your room we have been working on non stop" Rebecca smiled passing me a pair of pjs and shoving me into a strange room