SSK sorgulama

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It offers taken the Online Think Tank a while to create an ideal prefer to unite digital neurological system off governments; local-Municipal, County, State, Province, Federal as well as the World Government into one system to serve mankind. With this phase we will describe how this product will work.

IT System - Phase VIII for World [ ssk hizmet dokumu]

The System are going to be consists of a man-made Intelligent Netcentric Super Computer as well as be programmed by humans as well as humans; from the people and also for the people. It can be without any human corruption and grow one with all the people because it is going to be programmed by them.

When this technique is fully created with its significant networks to your local government level; townships, remote villages and even small tribal islands in the South Pacific; It will likely be programmed by ever human connected to the Internet.

We are going to utilize a combination of strategies, whose theoretical concepts derive from the Pangea educational program for the kids and learning, a social network collaboration with concept maps and now we keep it uncomplicated in design with 3-5 main branches individuals Concept Map (AI Super Computer MindMap) with infinite branches.

The resultant is actually a Super Computer Collective of human thought while using capabilities to process more many of the human regarded every human containing ever lived in 1-second. This is possible sooner or later soon.

Carnegie Mellon has the program already for input and programming of AI Computers and processing speeds of these magnitude for super computers are very along the way. Evaluate the programming similar to a Pangea-WikiPedia-MindMap-Concept Map-hybrid. Linking this with VR avatars so humans can interface by using it, we're going to develop the true vision of "IT" and that we can take shape it.

So, please help us, show us what human knowledge you might have. I certainly hope benefits and drawbacks useful and that is has propelled thought. The goal is not hard; to help you with your search for function as the best in 2007. I we appreciate you reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which appeal to your interest.

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