"It's okay to cry" (Kiri X Selena)

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Things weren't going her way lately, it seemed to her like they never were. One minute she had high hopes, the next she felt them crush beneath her feet. Selena had been enrolled at U.A high for, how long now? Long enough for her to make many friends (some enemies, though she was never spiteful) along the way. Hanging out with the girls In class 1A was an absolute blast! She had so much fun, often visiting each others houses whenever she needed help with work, often going shopping and, well, just being the cheerful, jolly friend they loved and accepted her for...

'It's...useless... I'll.... I'll never be good enough...' Selena kept repeating those few words in her mind as she lay scrunched up on her bed, feeling the tears prick at her eyes. Right now, she was currently in her dorm room, whilst all the others were downstairs. For many months, years infact, she had longed to join the volleyball team of U.A high. It was nothing special, but she had always wanted to compete in tournaments, win medals, show off her unique skills, and generally set a great example for many generations to come... Though it never turned out that way she wanted it to...

After many weeks of practicing and preparation, Selena was finally ready for the tryouts. But to her suprise, everything went smoothly, earning her a place in the team, which was a huge achievement for her and was as if she couldn't feel any happier. Everyday, when she arrived home, she would head straight to her back garden to train and brush up on her skills, although it often bugged her... She had always felt like everyone around her was improving, growing in strength and moving up, but it was her who felt like you weren't moving at all, staying trapped in one place, unable to make improvements, unable to get better, unable to keep up with the rest of the team...

This made Selena go overboard. She felt like her breath was often a struggle and she couldn't even move an inch . She had often developed small shudders everytime she thought about her team, the team she felt didn't need a whimpering wuss like her...

So there she was, curled up ontop of her bed, wishing she had never been a part of the volleyball team 'why...? Why would they need me...? What did I even do...to earn a place in U.A...In the first place...?' This was it for Selena. She couldn't handle all this stress, all this hate, being swirled up inside her, ready to burst. But why should it? All it would do is affect others around her, and the last thing she wanted to do was create drama when it wasn't needed...


Eijiro Kirishima...One of her many friends... He was always willing to help her out in any situation. She was shy to admit it but, she felt like she could trust him more than anyone else...

Right now, he was currently sitting in his dorm room, thinking back to all the times he used to see her at his bus stop, smiling shyly back at him, which made him grin. He wasn't quite sure of his feelings towards her, but all he remembered was feeling a huge thumping in his chest whenever she turned to him, making his cheeks feel warm, probably not noticing it himself but she was certain she once caught him blushing as he saw her smile.

He had heard a sudden, loud knock on his door, causing him to jolt upright and turn his head in the direction of where the noise came from. "EH!?"
"Mhmph mmhpppmmff!!!?!!?" Came a loud, muffled, yet raspy response from behind the door. 'Bakugou...' Kirishima immediately thought and went over to open the door "WHY THE FUCK YOU SITTING ROUND HERE BEING A LONLEY ASS?! DINNER IS READY SO GET DOWNSTAIRS!!" he then turned and swayed groggily down the hallway, grumbling to himself. Kirishima blinked 'whew... I wonder what was that all about...' He eventually shrugged it off and began to head downstairs too.

He had walked past her dorm until he saw that the door was locked 'huh? That's funny, the doors can only be locked from the inside...' he stopped in his tracks and thought for a second 'No! I should let her be, a man should respect a woman's privacy, it would be unmanly of me to-'

He gasped a little and covered his mouth, realising he had accidentally muttered those words aloud. Selena giggled a little at hearing his small gasp, thinking he had finally realised what he had done.
"I-it's okay, you can come in..." She quickly sat up and wiped her tears on her sleeve, plastering a fake smile as he slowly opened the door. "Woah, I never got to see your room before, it looks pretty cool!" He grinned, looking around, then slowly calming down and turning his gaze to her, seeing her head bowed down as she looked to the floor. "Hey, You... alright....?"
She slowly lifted her head up and smiled, closed- eyed "Y-yup! Couldn't have been better!" But she obviously wasn't and Kiri knew, like he could actually see through her disguise. His expression softened and he walked over to her, where she were sitting on your bed. "Hey, Selly, look at me..." He spoke softer this time, almost in a calm whisper. Selena had felt chills down her spine as he said her name and she slowly looked into his eyes. He gently rested his hand ontop of her's"I can see you're upset....it's pretty clear for me to see that... but-" he gently cupped her face with his other hand

"When you're feeling like all your emotions are trapped inside you, it's okay to let it all out, it's okay to cry

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"When you're feeling like all your emotions are trapped inside you, it's okay to let it all out, it's okay to cry..."

Hearing those words made her more emotional than ever. Selena couldn't hold it in anymore and she had burst into tears, not caring about how her face looked as she cried. Kiri saw her expression and he gently pulled her into a soft hug, stroking her back as she wept on his shoulder. "Shh, it's alright now, Selena...I'm here for you...."

She had eventually calmed down after a few minutes and he slowly released her from his arms, smiling softly as he looked down at her "Feeling better now, Selly?" He had grinned happily, showing his adorable shark-like teeth which made her heart melt and she shyly covered her blushing face with both her hands. "M-much better, t-thank you..." He blinked, seeing her react in such a way and looked around to check weather anyone was watching you two. Selena curiously tilted her head as she slowly uncovered her face from her  hands "K-Kirishima..? What are you-" She was slowly cut off as he leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. "U-uhm, s-sorry, I guess I got a little...carried away, haha!" He blushed, glancing away, awkwardly rubbing the nape of his neck. "We should get going, dinner is probably going cold..." He chuckled, standing up and stretching his hand out to her "Shall I escort you there, M'lady?~" He winked, then softly chuckling afterwards. The two headed downstairs only to be greeted by alot of staring faces and an angry, fuse-lit Bakugou.





~{A Shoulder To Cry On}~ (Kirishima X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now