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Blue skies and Green fields 

that's all i can see from wherever i am right now 

I've been sitting in this grass fields for quite some time now 

" RAM ! " I heard someone shout my name

I turned my head and saw a small hill with a big tree and a boy waving at me 

I runned towards him 

I couldn't really recognize who he was beside the fact that I was facing his back and he won't turn around 

" Don't ever forget me okay ! " 

he told me , I just nobbed my head 

He was about to turn his head when everything went black 


DARKNESS field the room  I was once scared of it but one day when i woke up everything changed 

I loved the dark and everything about it but Felicity didn't think I changed I just grew 

I kept on running and running until I saw a room that was so bright , I runned towards it and as I got near of it 

I heard screams , cries nothing but agony

" BRING HIM BACK ! " this was the only thing i heard repeated severally in the room that seemed to be an hospital room

bring who back ? i asked my self 

wait ! is it raining ?

I didn't realize i was already crying 

TEARS ! when was the last time i shed tears 

That's when it all came back , HIM ! the only person that made me smile and cry , the person who promised me things and broke it 

HIM ! the next thing I knew sobs were escaping my mouth 

Everyone from the room turned there heads and faced me 

I felt so small and valnurable 

" YOU ! " they pointed at me 

" It's all your fault !! " they acussed me 

I shock my head rapidly , I cried even harder 

NO !! NO !! NO !!

" RAM!! RAM !! wake up please  "

felicity shocked me as hard as she can , I bolted upward as soon as i opened my eyes 

my body was covered with sweats though the aircondition was on 

" are you alright ? " she asked worried about for nth time she had to wake me up from a bad dream

" yeah ! he just likes to pay a visit " 

" shut up ! his not dead you know " 

" i know " coldness filled my voice

" Let's just go back to sleep please ? "

I asked her tired of the same thing going over and over again

she just nobbed her head and stood up 

FELICITY MACKONNEL my twin sister will not exactly twin she's quite older than me by months

she has this black long hair and likes to wear dresses she's a total fashionista and stuff a popular and cheerleader in our school , loved by every boys and envyed by the all slutty-I'm-Insecured girls , she had been there for me since our parents were to busy with work

My dad owns 2 five star resturants and 3 hotels while my mom owns a bake shope name " SWEETY BAKEY " which has a branch in Barcelona and Paris , she has one clothing line too

I know were kinda rich but I hate bragging and shoving it to people's face.  

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