YOU ARE READING Incorrect Zodiac quotes Acak Just incorrect zodiac quotes from tumblr❤️ #aquarius #aries #cancer #capricorn #gemini #idkanymore #idkwhatimdoing #incorrectquotes #leo #libra #pisces #quotes #random #sagittarius #scorpio #taurus #virgo #zodiac #zodiacsigns 6 1.4K 35 10 by Selma735 by Selma735 Follow Share Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Report Story Send Send to Friend Share Posting ke Profilmu Bagikan melalui email Laporkan cerita Cancer: let's play hide and seek Sagittarius: okay! Gemini you count to 50 Gemini: *after counting to 50* you would not believe your eyes ~ Sagittarius: *from the bathroom* IF TEN MILLION FIREFLIES