The Long Way

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"Hey Hunt! You're coming to Joe's with us Thursday night, right?" I look up to see none other than Meredith Grey standing at the entrance to the scrub room I stand in.

I recently moved to Seattle from my home in San Francisco, California. Getting a job at Grey+Sloan Memorial was one of the best offers I have ever received. Though I have only been here a few days, I have made a small group of close friends. They are all great, but one of them is constantly in the back of my mind. She's an exceptionally talented neurosurgen, a kind soul, and just a beautiful woman: Amelia Shepherd.

"Yeah, totally. For the singing thing right?" She nods. "I'll be there."

As she leaves me alone in the scrub room, my pager beeps, summoning me to the ER. Drying my hands, I head out of the room and down the stairs.

"Where do you need me?" I shout to April. She begins instruction, but my attention is drawn to her. She smiles at an old patient kindly, assuring him of good news. Though I have only known of her and talked to her for about three days, I can't help but be attracted to her. I have tried on several occasions to confide my feelings in her, but I can't seem to get the words out.

She looks up, heading to the nurses' station nearby. I catch her eye, and an idea pops into my head.

I direct my attention to the short red head in front of me. "I'm sorry, Dr. Kepner, I have to go." She looks at me with disbelief, but I just turn and walk away. I am going to write her a song.

Thursday, the day of the singing night.

6:30. Half an hour to go, I think to myself.

I have written the perfect song to express how I feel. The only thing I need to do now is muster the courage to actually sing it.

"Hey Owen! Wait up!" I'd recognize that voice anywhere. A small brunette appears beside me, a huge smile plastered on her face. "You headin' to Joe's? For the singing thingy?"

All the sudden, the fact I am going to tell this woman I like her soon and change my world and hers became more real.

"Yeah what about you?"

"Yep! I'm heading there now." I nod and we walk through the parking lot, making small talk. "You gonna sing?" She looks up at me.

"Yeah, I got a little something to sing. It should be exciting." Little does she know, the 'little something' is probably going to change her life.

As we head into the bar, we immediately see the table of surgeons across it. I point to them and she leads us toward the table.

"Hey guys! You made it! What's up?" They all greet us simultaneously, and we sit down.


"....Does anyone out there want to sing a song? Don't be afraid to come on up and share!"

I look up at Amelia and she nods toward the stage. "Get up there big guy."

Here we go. I stand up and walk to the stage, where I am offered a microphone and a guitar.

"Okay, um, hi. How is everyone?" I ask, stalling for a minute. "Alright. This song is a song I wrote for a special someone, basically as a way to tell them how I feel. Now I haven't known anyone here long, but I feel like I've known them forever. Amelia," she looks right at me, looking me in the eye, "this is for you."

I strum a few strings, tuning the acoustic guitar I hold in my hands, then I begin.

Don't think I've ever seen your kind of pretty
Wondering 'round this midnight mad house city
You got a look that says you got it all together
So if you don't, mind I'd like to know you better
Take me the long way around your town
Were you the queen with the silver crown?
I want the secrets you keep, the shine underneath
Of the diamond I think I just found
Take me the long way around

For the first time since I began singing, I look up and out to the small crowd gathered in this bar. I try to avoid the Grey Sloan table at all costs, but I can't help but look to see how she's reacting. My eyes stay locked with hers, no matter how much I try to look away.

I'd love to see just where your daddy met your momma
Your hand-me-down '99 Impala
Show me the field you danced in Clover
The harvest in October
When the leaves fall from the sky just like a Sunday drive
Take me the long way around your town
Were you the queen with the silver crown?
I want the secrets you keep, the shine underneath
Of the diamond I think I just found
Take me the long way around

The entire bar is shifting their gaze between me and Amelia. It has become evident that I love this woman I think.

I didn't think tonight when I walked in
I'd be falling for somewhere I've never been
Take me the long way around your town
Were you the queen with the silver crown?
I want your red blushing stories
Your faults and your glories
That made you who you are right now
Take me the long way around
Take me the long way around

As the music comes to an end and I finish singing, the bar erupts with loud applause. Looking at her once again and see a look of astonishment and confusion on her face. Out of the blue, I bolt out of the bar, to save myself from embarassment.

I sit in the cool, crisp air on a bench outside. I finally got mt feelings out, but now I don't know what's going to happen. Is she gonna hate me? Does she feel the same? Did I just lose a friend? These thoughts drift through my head before the silence is interrupted by a small voice.

"Owen?" I turn around slowly, even though I now exactly who it is.

I turn around to look at her. "Listen, Amelia, I am sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out this way in front of a whole crowd but I couldn't find the strenght to tell you on my own — "

"Owen. Owen." I stop blabbing on and on and give her my undivided attention. All the sudden, out of nowhere, her lips are on mine. I kiss her back slowly but full of passion for a short time until we both pull back. I look at her with wide eyes, not believing it. "I like you too."

I smile the biggest grin I've ever had, and pull her back in for another kiss

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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