The Switch (Cyra Martin)

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This is my first book on here, and it is short, but it's supposed to sort of be a prologue, so it's going to be shorter than other chapters. I'll try to update fast, but it may be weekly updates. I'm most definitely not doing an update schedule.

In elementary school, you get a good feeling of what popularity is, and it's not too hard to figure out who the popular people are, and that you're not one of them.

As a French immigrant who moved to America and to my school in second grade, I was very much the unpopular new girl. Even in eighth grade when I'd been there for six years.

In those three years I'd made two friends, one of which moved. The oher is my best friend in the entire world, the one girl who didn't have a table partner, who I was assigned a seat next to. I'm going to think back to then, a time when I thought that this school would be good, and that the people would be kind.

*November of Second Grade*

"Class, this is Cyra. She just moved to America from France." Ms. Joy said to the class in a manner that fit her name. She was, in fact, a very joyful person. "Before she introduced herself, does anyone have any questions?"

One girl raised her hand. She was in a blue dress with a long blonde braid down her back. "Jenny?" Ms. Joy called on the girl

"Can you speak English?" Jenny asked, making others around her laugh.

"Yes, I can, my dad speaks English and my mom speaks French, so I know both languages, along with German, because I wanted to learn it and my mom knows German and Welsh, I'm learning Welsh right now." I answered

"So you can talk better than me? Are you making fun of me?" Jenny snapped

"No, I was answering your question. If you wanted you could learn all of those languages." I said, confused as to why she snapped

"Did you talk back to me?" Jenny yelled

"Okay, Jenny, enough, now Cyra, please introduce yourself." Ms. Joy smiled at me.

"I'm Cyra Martin, and I'm eight years old, and we moved away from France because my dad's family lives here and my grandparents are sick and need someone to take care of them." I said

"Thank you, Cyra, you can sit next to Priany." Ms. Joy said, realizing I had finished. She pointed to the back corner where a girl wearing all dark red and had black hair was sitting, face in a book.

I walked over and sat down. I turned to Priany and tapped her arm. "Yeah?" she asked

"I'm Cyra, this is my spot, I guess." I smiled

"I'm Pri." Pri said and picked up her book again.

"Priany, put your book down, please. We're doing math right now." Ms. Joy said and Pri groaned before putting a bookmark in her book

*Another Flashback, this Time to May of Seventh Grade*

"Wow, Cyra, you've lived here how many years and you still haven't lost that stupid accent." Jenny said to me, hand on her quickly growing stomach. Her group did the typical 'Ooohhh' that middle school students do when someone gets roasted.

"You don't lose an accent. You lose your innocence when you mess around in seventh grade." I said, with Pri making the noise behind me.

"Your only friend is the nobody." Jenny literally snapped while saying it.

"She's only the nobody because she didn't want to be a jerk with you." I said

"Maybe, I don't care!" Jenny put her face up close to mine "If she doesn't want popularity she doesn't have to try to earn it." Jenny rolled her eyes and walked away.

I turned to Pri and she sighed. "You need to stop trying, Cyra. She's never going to learn." Pri looked down at the ground.

"I know, I just always look for the good in people." I said, frowning at her back as she left with her 'friends', Brittany and Jessica.

"You need to learn that people don't change like that. She'll just be a slutty bitch her whole life." Pri said and pulled me away from the path that Jenny was walking.

"You know, I shouldn't've been dealing with this in seventh grade, much less in second. It wasn't as bad than, but, I still shouldn't've." I walked towards geography with Pri.

"Hang on, I get what you're saying, but I need something from my locker." Pri walked over to the tiny blue locker that the school gave her and opened it. She grabbed a small bag of pencils and shut her locker.

"You ran out of pencils again?" I asked

"Yeah, luckily this time I had this bag. I've spent over fifty dollars on pencils this year." Pri said

"You write too much." I laughed

"Well, what can I say? I was gifted the power of writing faster than the average human." Print laughed

"No, you just practiced so much that you got way faster." I said

*Back To The Summer After Eighth Grade*

"Mom, I don't want to go back to that school. Jenny has gotten worse since she had the baby." I said

"Oh, hon, it can't be that bad." my mom pulled me into a hug.

"She brought her to school and sat her on my desk and said 'French girls don't need a desk, but Yianadu does.'" I said

"She named her Yianadu?" my mom asked with a look of disgust on her face.

"Yeah, and she somehow managed to get pregnant again, and said that if it's a girl she'll name her Terry Annalise and if it's a boy he'll be Iddrune." I said and Pri nodded.

Wait, I need to mention a few things. After Pri came out as lesbian, she was kicked out of her house and moved into mine. In the last few months she published a chapter book that no one at our school has bought except for he librarians, but no one has checked it out. My mom knows English, which I didn't mention in second grade

"Honey, you need an education and your father and I can't homeschool you, we have jobs." she said sadly

"Send me to a different school, than! I don't care about how far away it is, as long as it's not the same school as Jennifer Hick!" I exclaimed

"I'll look into it, but if I can't find anything, you two are going to have go to that highschool." my mom said and I sighed and went up to the room that Pri and I share. I picked up Pri's book and started it over for the thousandth time.

"That's not the only book that you're allowed to read, you know." Pri laughed

"I know, it's just the book I read whenever I'm frustrated, it calms me down." I said

"Trust me, I was not calm while writing that book."

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