My Beginning

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The sun shines on my face and I slowly open my eyes. I run my hand through my hair and a knock comes onto the door* " Mom says to come down and eat" said Jack. I get up and say "Okay Jack". I take my PJs off and put on a black shirt with red pants and a white head band. I look at the mirror and brush my hair. "Hurry up Emma!"said Mom. I say "I'm coming!" I put on my converse and run downstairs. I grab a pancake and say" See ya Mom! Have fun at school Jack!" I walk down the street to my school. Well Hi my name is Emma and I'm 16. Im not such a talker but hey at least I go shopping like other girls do. I lean against the tree and reads a book. I hear aloud Boo and see my best friend Parker jump and close to my face. I roll my eyes at him and say "Nice try Parker." Parker crosses his arms and says " You always say that and it doesn't work, it fails!". This guy full of humor is my BFF from Elementary school. We've known each other for a while now and we stick together. We both walk down the hall until I feel my heart pound as my eyes set themselves on the crush of them all. I look at his smile and his light brown hair with brown eyes. I watch him run his hand through his hair. Parker snarls "Oh yay he's here...Emma he's a waste,loser and he's a player." I roll my eyes, and say "No he isn't! He's really sweet and super hot!" My cheeks heat up, and I look away. Parker crosses his arms and says " If I'm right I get to say I told you so!" I giggle and say "What ever u say!" Parker says" We are gonna be late!" He grabs my wrist and runs into class with me. I breath heavily and say" Next time give me a heads up,oh and do u" I get cut off by my crush Daniel. Daniel smiles and says" I need some help with homework and need a tutor, so u want to help me?"My cheeks burn red and smiles at him. Parker growls"No she doesn't so Fu*k off" Daniel snarls" I didn't ask u bit*h I asked Emma, your not her father so back off" I blink and say "Sure I'll meet u after school here" I ignore Parker's growl and go back to writing my class notes. The bell rings and I get up and walk out the door with Parker. Parker growls at me" Are u crazy?! I don't trust him at all. I don't know why you would say yes!" I roll my eyes and says" I'll be fine no need to worry" I walk to my locker and place my books in. Parker sighs " i know but I just don't like him and hurry up I'm hungry" I laugh and say"Okay okay don't rush me!" We both get in line for food. Parker's stomach grumbles, I giggle at him. I say" Calm down your stomach!" Parker grins and says" After I get my food!" We get our food and sit down and eat. Parker says" My stomach isn't Hungry anymore." I laugh and say "Thank God!" Parker grins and says"Uh huh or else I would have eatin you hehehe." I laugh and say"Over my dead body!" I hear the lunch bell end and go to my next classes. The worst classes are always at the end why me...just whhhhyyy! School ends and I get up and wait in the hall for Daniel. I smile as I see Daniel walking to me looking into my eyes. I feel my cheeks heat up. I smile and say" hey." He smiles and says"hey." I giggle and say" Lead the way!" He takes my hand and pulls me into a classroom with him. I look at him and say" what ya need help with?" He looks at me and says" Math...I really suck.." I smile and say " No problem! After when I'm done u will be boss at math!" He smirks and says" u really like math don't you?" I smile widely and say" Yup its my favorite subject!" He chuckles and explains what he needs help with and we get straight to work.

" I smile and say " No problem! After when I'm done u will be boss at math!" He smirks and says" u really like math don't you?" I smile widely and say" Yup its my favorite subject!" He chuckles and explains what he needs help with and we get strai...

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                                                                        (👆That's Daniel!)

                                                                                  (👆Emma and Parker👆)

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                                                                                  (👆Emma and Parker👆)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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