i. the beginning of forever

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All Jordan could remember from his transition from human to vampire was the burning.

He had never felt anything like it—it was almost as if someone had poured boiled water through his veins, the liquid venom burning him from the inside out.

Yet if you had looked at Jordan, there would be no way for you tell this. His body had laid constantly still, while his mind screamed and grunted. It had taken around a day for the boy to remember himself becoming numb, the pain simply being too much to even comprehend.

It was a sensation that everyone who turned felt, according to Carlisle. The blond man had answered every single one of Jordan's questions when he woke up in a daze, a very confused one at that. No detail had gone undiscussed between the pair and every single question Jordan had, one of the Cullen's was more than happy to answer.

But being in the know didn't make Jordan feel any more comfortable in his room at the Cullen's household, nor did it settle the nerves in his stomach at who he was now.

A vampire. He was a fucking vampire.

As in he needed blood to live, and without it his throat burned and stung just like it had when he was in transition. It was unbearable but, killing things wasn't much better.

Jordan thinking about all that had come to change in his life caused the boy's fist to ball up and crinkle the paper he held in it. This wasn't that bad however as the letter in his hand didn't meant that much to him in that moment, despite it being written by his twin sister, Alex.

He wasn't sure if it was an apology letter or one made of excuses. It was the first thing that Edward had given to him when he woke up a few weeks prior, and it was also the one thing that broke something in him he didn't think could be.

Jordan's trust in his sister crumbled upon reading the note she had written him.

The pair were almost inseparable, well at least they had been. Jordan didn't know how he felt about Alex now.

It had been her decision to let him become a vampire. The reasons she did it—so that Jordan could live again, so that a vengeful vampire wasn't the cause of demise, because she couldn't live without her twin—had pretty much gone right over Jordan's head.

He understood, and would probably have done the same thing if he were the one making the choice for Alex, but that didn't make digesting the information any easier.

He hated being a vampire and everything that came with it—being separated from his loved ones, watching them eventually die, killing things for survival and having the simple ability and instinct to destroy. And it was Alex that chose for him to have that life.

So for now, Jordan didn't want to think about his slightly younger sibling for if he did he feared that he would gain regretful feelings, ones he couldn't change. He was beginning to blame and resent her enough as it was, more thought on the matter would only complicate things.

"It's time to go, Jordan," Esme's voice rang beautifully from behind Jordan. The woman stood in the doorframe of Jordan's new room.

Jordan zipped up his bag at her voice, having already placed the note in his bag. He might be angry at his little sister now, but he still kept the note. Jordan couldn't quite understand why he was compelled to keep it, but he did. The boy didn't bother to turn around knowing he had nothing that he wanted to say.

Jordan, Carlisle and Esme were going to Alaska for a few weeks. It was the youngest vampire's idea to get out of town—somewhere where he didn't have to see and think of the people that he had lost so far. Or even think about the parts of him that would be gone forever, that could never come back.

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